Tuesday, April 22, 2014

One Quarter Of Americans Don't Buy Global Warming, The Others Are Mind Numbed Robots

On Earth Day: One In Four Americans Aren’t Very Concerned About Climate Change

April 22, 2014 by  
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Happy Earth Day. As Democrats spent today screaming about climate change and President Barack Obama and top Administration officials burned massive amounts of jet fuel heading to speeches about the issue, a newly-updated poll illustrates that many Americans just aren’t that concerned about manmade global warming.
Gallup reports that, while 40 percent of Americans are “concerned believers” in global warming, one in four Americans remain “cool skeptics” with regard to manmade climate change. Furthermore, about 36 percent of respondents take a middle of the road opinion on whether man is in danger of turning the planet into an overheated hellscape.
Gallup explains the difference between the groups thusly:
Concerned Believers and Cool Skeptics are of entirely different mindsets when it comes to how much they worry about global warming. Concerned Believers say they worry “a great deal” or “fair amount” about the issue, while Cool Skeptics worry only “a little” or “not at all.” Additionally, Concerned Believers think media reports about the issue are either correct or underestimated, while Cool Skeptics think they are exaggerated. And, most starkly, 100% of Concerned Believers say the rise in the Earth’s temperature over the last century is due to the effects of pollution, while 100% of Cool Skeptics say it is due to natural changes in the environment. Finally, two-thirds of Concerned Believers believe global warming will pose a serious threat to their own way of life in the future, while 100% of Cool Skeptics disagree.
Americans in the Mixed Middle are individuals who hold a combination of views. For instance, some believe humans are the cause of the Earth’s warming, but aren’t worried about it. Others say global warming is a natural phenomenon, but that it will pose a serious risk in their lifetime. In one way or another, those in the Mixed Middle fail to line up with the orthodoxy on either side of the climate science issue.
More from the poll at Gallup.com

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