Wednesday, April 23, 2014

On Earth Day--Obama And Minions Create Tons Of Carbon Emissions To Promote Global Warming

Earth Day Shrieking And Government Hypocrisy

April 23, 2014 by 
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Earth Day Shrieking And Government Hypocrisy

Yesterday was Earth Day. Some Americans likely celebrated by picking up litter or making a conscious effort to reduce the amount of waste they produce, a few others protested the Keystone pipeline and some shrieked breathlessly about how we’re all going to die if global warming doesn’t end.
The Huffington Post declared yesterday that this year’s Earth Day marks a frightening milestone for the planet: The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been consistently more than 400 parts per million for the past month.
Via Huff Post Green:
“This is higher than it’s been in millions of years,” said Pieter Tans, a senior scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory.
Parts per million, or ppm, is a measure of the ratio of carbon dioxide to other gases in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is just one type of greenhouse gas that has been found to trap heat, but it is the primary one emitted from human activities and it lingers in the atmosphere for a very long time. There is typically seasonal fluctuation in the parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide, according to scientists who track the levels. That explains why, after hitting 400 for the first time in recorded history last May, the levels declined soon after. But they hit 400 ppm again in mid-March, and have stayed above that level for all of April.
The news outlet also featured an article from Climate Central, an organization devoted to talking about climate change, which warns of how much hotter the U.S. is now that during the first Earth Day in 1970.
From the piece:
Average temperatures across most of the continental U.S. have been rising gradually for more than a century, at a rate of about 0.127°F per decade between 1910-2012. That trend parallels an overall increase in average global temperatures, which is largely the result of human greenhouse gas emissions. …
Since then, every state’s annual average temperature has risen accordingly. On average, temperatures in the contiguous 48 states have been warming at a rate of 0.48°F per decade since 1970, nearly twice the global average.
Commenters quickly added a little common sense to the alarmist write-up, noting things like: “They were concerned about global cooling during the first Earth Day, because it was colder than ‘normal.’ Guess what, no matter what the current temperature is, it’s ‘normal’ to the earth. We’re the ones with issues.”
Meanwhile, the White House set about sending Administration officials to join “Americans around the country to talk about our environmental and climate challenges” to mark Earth Day.
“Secretary of Energy Ernie Moniz and EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy will be at the New England Aquarium talking about what climate change will mean for Boston Harbor. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack is at Drake University in Des Moines, discussing how climate change is going to impact our farms and our food supply,” the White House announced.
Each of those officials presumably earned a hefty slice of carbon guilt for the amount of fuel expended so that they could go tell Americans how using fuel is killing fish and farms. But it’s safe to assume that none of their travels produced as much carbon as President Barack Obama used as he traveled to Washington State and then overnight to Tokyo.
National Review’s Jim Geraghty did the math:
[F]lying from Washington, D.C. to Washington state — 2,328 miles, generating 568,032 pounds of carbon emissions at 244 pounds per mile — and then beginning his week-long trip to Asia, flying tonight to Tokyo — 4,792 miles, an additional 1,169,248 pounds of carbon emissions. The two trips add up to 1.73 million pounds of carbon or 868.64 tons.
For perspective, the average American generates about 19 tons of carbon dioxide in one year.
This figure does not count the carbon emissions from the president’s backup plane, cargo planes transporting the president’s limo and helicopter, advance staff, etc.
It seems there is a lot of hot air floating around after all.

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