Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Too Early To Say Where Independent Voters Will Go In Election Of 2014

Independent Voters Favor Anti-Obamacare Candidates In Midterms

April 23, 2014 by  
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Independent Voters Favor Anti-Obamacare Candidates In Midterms

Recent polling finds that voters who describe themselves as independent are far more likely to prefer Congressional candidates this election season who are opposed to Obamacare.
According to a Fox News poll released this week, 54 percent of independent voters plan to vote for candidates who are running in opposition to the Affordable Care Act, compared with only 29 percent who plan to back pro-Obamacare candidates. That’s a 25 percent margin in favor of an alternative to the poorly implemented, poorly received healthcare law.
The same poll also finds that 53 percent of all voters, regardless of party affiliation, prefer candidates who oppose Obamacare, compared with 39 percent who favor pro-Obamacare candidates.
Taken together, those two sets of data indicate that Obamacare continues to find its sole base of support among committed Democrats, and that the issue promises to define swing voters’ decisions in the November Congressional elections.
“Nineteen percent of voters say a congressional candidate’s stance on ObamaCare will be the ‘single most important factor’ in their vote decision, which is more than double the number who felt that way in 2012 (eight percent),” reportsFox News on the poll’s findings. “Likewise, the number of Republicans who say it will be the ‘single most important factor’ has almost doubled (21 percent today, up from 11 percent).
“Overall, 79 percent of those opposing the law say it will be an important factor to their vote, compared to 67 percent of those favoring the law.”
Perhaps most revealing of this year’s zeitgeist on issues that drive voter behavior, 51 percent said that Obamacare will be regarded as “’one of the worst’ things Barack Obama accomplished as president,” while only 37 percent maintain it will be remembered as “one of the best.”

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