Tuesday, May 6, 2014

If Gun Control Attitude Polls Are Any Indication. Hillary Is Way Outside The Norm. Would Have Been Nice For Her To Address Behavior Rather Than Guns!

Clinton: Gun laws too lax

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Gun control laws have grown too lax and need to be tightened, Hillary Clinton said Tuesday during a conference in Washington, D.C.
“We’re way out of balance,” said the former secretary of State. “We have to reign in what has almost become an article of faith that anybody anywhere can own a gun.”
Clinton didn’t call for any specific new legislation, but said that it should be possible to make gun laws that protect society yet “still support the vast majority of people to own guns.”
The early favorite to win the Democratic nomination for the White House in 2016 made the remarks at the 2014 National Council for Behavioral Health Conference.
She expressed concern with recent shooting incidents in which people have overreacted and killed others over something as trivial as texting in a movie theater.
Clinton said she is concerned that relaxed gun laws are making it easier for people to carry guns in bars, churches and schools. She said they are leading people to get into situations where they are more likely to overreact to a situation and kill someone with a gun.
The Senate failed to move tougher gun control laws last year in the wake of the 2012 Newtown, Conn., killings, when 26 people including 20 first-graders were shot and killed by a lone gunman.

Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/205324-clinton-gun-laws-too-lax#ixzz30yLA4jRm
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