Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Ted Nugent Has It Right! Benghazi Was A Catastrophic Failure Of Leadership

Benghazi Debacle Defies Logic

Monday, 05 May 2014 01:27 PM
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I drove my little truck to the store this morning. I'm just a guitar player, but here's a little ditty that people with a hint of brain matter might want to attempt to comprehend in an America gone politically correct berserk.

On my person and in my 1974 Ford Bronco, as standard daily content, I had more security and firepower on my way to fetch some milk and bread than did the US Embassy in Benghazi, Syria, on Sept. 11, 20012.

Really think about that for a minute, if you dare.

At my American dream mile marker of 65.5 years, my spirit is tested daily beyond comprehension by the indescribable abuse of power, criminal corruption, abject dishonesty, and sheer buffoonery by my government every time I turn around.

Sure, we could give ourselves more headaches by asking long overdue and appropriate questions about the audacity of the very existence of the IRS much less its gangster targeting of political opponents and refusal to fess up in an administration that campaigned on the promise of a new honest and open transparency.

We could pursue new heights of migraines finding a bureaucrat who would shame his or her self trying to convince a sane person that the 2009 Fort Hood terrorist attack was a workplace violence episode.

We could continue to stare dumbfounded at the debt clock while listening to braindead talking sheep how the economy is improving.

No sane soul could keep a straight face when listening to strange-looking bureaucrats raving how we need to spend even more money on education when that very unaccountable system continues to produce the dumbest, fattest kids on planet Earth per dollar spent.

Someone might someday show the real number on Obamacare for a nationwide pukesfest.

We could listen to a gun-running attorney general how more Chicago-like gun-free zones is a good idea, and still lie about Fast and Furious.

But in a genuine effort to not get too angry, let us stick with the horror story that is Benghazi.

Some people are honest enough to know what basic self-defense responsibilities are and what qualifies as basic security versus bureaucratic gobblygook.

It appears that the whole Obama gang, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Leon Penetta, Jay Carney et. al, have no soul, have no conscience and take Americans for complete idiots.

Four common sense, logical, history inspired things:
  1. Even if we were not waging a war on terror, it is inconceivable to any rational person that any U.S. Embassy could ever be left without serious warrior preparedness. From my homeowner, head of a household and caring neighbor perspective, this guitar player would have had at a bare minimum 100 U.S. Marines on duty in Benghazi, armed to the hilt, heavy with state of the art weaponry and more ammo than I have in my truck, and this crime would have never happened.
  2. Even if our lame government had failed to have fire extinguishers on hand like any sane person would prior to the fire breaking out, a real human would have heard and responded to any of the serious warnings that an attack was imminent, and then immediately sent in the troops. Key word in that paragraph; sane.
  3. Once the attack began, the greatest, strongest, proudest country in the world should have scrambled and done everything necessary to bring the warriors to the sound of guns. Protecting American lives is your job, Mr. President and Mrs Secretary of State.
  4. Once all these unbelievably inept, careless, irresponsible, I believe criminal failures caused the death of four courageous fellow Americans and further eroded global respect for America, to put more importance on campaign strategy than admitting to your failures pretty much sums up the whole Obama debacle, an administration guilty of the most embarrassing and bizarre chapter for America in world history.
As they continue to lie, obfuscate, spin and dance around the truth like a pack three-legged drunken hounds, I pray to God that somebody, somewhere in our government will demand justice for Brian Terry, Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods, and all Americans to whom, Mrs Clinton, it does indeed matter.

Ted Nugent is a musician and award-winning writer and author of The New York Times best-selling “Ted White & Blue: The Nugent Manifesto” and “God, Guns and Rock 'n' Roll,” along with “Kill It and Grill It,” “BloodTrails,” and “BloodTrails II.” He also is a member of the board of directors of the National Rifle Association.
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