Friday, June 27, 2014

Dems Looking To Satan For Help In Texas. Is That State Big Enough For Two Supernatural Beings?

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Supporters of Wendy Davis, a rabidly pro-abortion Democrat state senator in Texas running a distant second in the race for governor, apparently want to hedge their bet when it comes to invoking supernatural help for their campaign.
Previously, they chanted “Hail Satan” in support of Davis, whose filibuster in the state legislature a year ago delayed by a few days a bill curbing abortion.
Now they’re asking for help from “God, our father, our mother.”
Maybe Zeus or “The Force” are next?
The most recent supplications came at a campaign rally Davis staged in Austin this week that “celebrated” her 13-hour filibuster one year ago against a bill to ban abortion after 20 weeks. The bill initially failed because her filibuster ended the legislative session, but lawmakers returned the following week to pass it.
The partisan prayer by an unidentified supporter didn’t mention “abortion,” but it asked “God” to “inspire” voters who believe “that our state government must represent all the people of Texas, not just the rich.”
Three times the prayer “celebrated” the temporary delay in the pro-life measure last year.
“Let’s ask God to bless our celebration. Will you pray with me. God, you are our father, and our mother. Before we were, you are. And all that we are is a gift from you. As we begin our celebration, of the anniversary of the day that women in Texas said ‘No,’ to a state legislature that refuses to trust us, we thank you for giving us our voice, we thank you for the leadership of our candidates for governor and lieutenant governor. We thank you for the Senate colleagues who stood for us, and with Sen. Davis that day, and we thank you for bringing us this far. We are not done. We have far to go. So now, we ask you to strengthen our resolve and our determination, to change the government of the state of Texas, with our votes for the Democratic nominees. We ask you to inspire every eligible voter in the state of Texas who believes that our state government must represent all the people of Texas, not just the rich, and well-connected. [Applause.] Inspire them to vote. Inspire us to work for that vote. Bless our campaign to change the way government operates in Texas. Bless the people of Texas. And bless this celebration tonight. Amen and Amen.”
At PJ Media, Bryan Preston called the event “an abortion party.”
The law that Davis failed to defeat a year ago was cosponsored by state Rep. Jodie Laubenberg and Sen. Donna Campbell, an emergency-room physician.
The measure also has been supported by a majority of Texas women.
As a result of the bill, nearly two dozen abortion businesses have closed, about half of the abortion operations in the state.
It is on the failed filibuster that Davis has built her struggling gubernatorial campaign against Republican Attorney General Greg Abbott.
Among her efforts recently was a move to shake up her campaign with a change of managers.
It was during the battle last year over the abortion bill that the “Hail Satan” appeals came from Davis supporters. Meanwhile, pro-life advocates sang “Amazing Grace.”
A video of the event posted on a blog run by Adam Cahm showed the chant taken up in unison by several people.
The first of the voices can be heard at about the 3:35 mark of the following video, a portion of the speech delivered by a pro-life advocate identified only as “Ashley.” By the 5:15 mark, however, the droning chants of several people can be heard clearly:
Cahm explained after the first released video that abortion activists “have been doing this all day, this is just the first time we caught it on video.”
Another video can be seen here:
As WND has reported, after the filibuster, Texas Gov. Rick Perry declared his state would not be governed by mob rule and called a special legislative session.
Jonathan Nessmith, president of Houston Young Republicans, also reacted to the mob action.
“This kind of behavior would never be tolerated in the reverse by the Democrats. When Congressman Joe Wilson uttered the words, ‘You lie!’ during the 2009 State of the Union, Democrats responded with platitudes about ‘parliamentary procedure’ and ‘civility.’ Where are these voices now, when an orange-clad mob disrupts the business of democracy? Disrupting the democratic process is not the way we do things in Texas. Let’s get rid of the double standard.”


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