Friday, June 27, 2014

We Have The Proof, Administration Orchestrated Illegal Chld Invasion. They Requested "Escorts" For 65,000 Children In January 2014. Impeachable Offense? Yes.

Contract Shows Obama Planned Border Invasion

Detainees sleep in a holding cell at a U.S. Customs and Border Protection processing facility on June 18, 2014, in Brownsville, Texas.AP
Detainees sleep in a holding cell at a U.S. Customs and Border Protection processing facility on June 18, 2014, in Brownsville, Texas.AP View Enlarged Image
Immigration: A federal employment ad posted in January showing that 65,000 unaccompanied minors will enter the U.S. illegally shows that the administration expected this cross-border child abuse and encouraged it.
Concrete evidence has shown up proving our earlier assertion: The breach of our border by waves of unaccompanied alien children was orchestrated by the administration based on a strategy straight out of the playbook President Obama studied as a community organizer. His goal is to get his way on immigration reform by overwhelming the U.S. Border Patrol and collapsing an already weakened system.
The evidence comes in the form a government contract solicited in January by the Department of Homeland Security. The listing asked for "Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children" in expectation of the arrival of 65,000 minors on our southern border without their parents or guardians.
The operative language in the listing is the statement by DHS/Immigration and Customs Enforcement that they expect there "will be approximately 65,000" alien minors requiring assistance. This is a significant increase from the 5,000 minors who are detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement annually. It also strongly suggests not only advance knowledge of the human catastrophe about to unfold but a lack of any effort to stop it.
Not only have the numbers vastly increased, but the points of origin have changed. No longer are we talking about just poor Mexican families seeking a better life from an "act of love," as one possible 2016 presidential candidate put it. Hondurans, Salvadorans and Guatemalans now make up about 75% of illegals caught in South Texas.
The number of children traveling without parents has overwhelmed Border Patrol detention centers along the Texas border, prompting officials to ship them to converted warehouses and military bases as far away as California. The situation is so bad that there is fear we would have no place to put American citizen refugees if another Hurricane Katrina occurs. Some have even called this alien-children invasion Obama's Katrina.
This is no act of love, as children are transported by cartels and other human traffickers from Central America and then through 1,800 miles of difficult Mexican roads. They are subjected to the worst abuse along the way, then dumped across the border, where they huddle on warehouse floors in conditions ideal for the spread of infectious diseases.
Such a journey is made on the expectation that these children will not be turned away. At a House Homeland Security Committee hearing this week, committee Republicans noted three causes for this influx: Obama executive actions such as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program; lax enforcement policies; and talk on both sides of the aisle of comprehensive immigration reform indistinguishable from amnesty.

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