Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Asylum Requests, Illegal Immigration Increases Dramatically Under Obama

Massive Increase In Asylum Requests, Grants Under Obama

July 15, 2014 by  
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Massive Increase In Asylum Requests, Grants Under Obama

Since President Barack Obama took office in 2008, applications for asylum in the United States has tripled, while the rate at which the government grants those requests has increased at an even higher rate.
The Daily Caller, which recently reviewed Federal statistics on illegal immigration, notes that the surge in asylum requests that has accompanied the recent wave of illegal immigration from Central America led the Obama Administration to grant asylum 30,393 times in 2013 — three times the number it granted in 2012 and 10 times as many as in 2008.
In addition, those seeking asylum continue to have reason to be optimistic about their chances for success. From The Daily Caller:
If you came illegally to the U.S. seeking asylum in 2013, you had better than a four-in-five chance of successfully filing an asylum claim. That’s up from a three-in-five chance in 2008.
…In fiscal year 2012, ending September 2012, Obama’s officials approved 10,838 claims, before tripling the score to 30,393 in 2013.
Meanwhile, an increasing number of “unaccompanied minors” for Central American began flooding over the southern border to file asylum cases once they were detained by the border police.
Many of the youths — roughly half claimed to be aged between 14 and 17 — and the children claimed asylum.
The numbers also suggest that the White House has not adjusted its policies to respond to a Central American border surge that has been unfolding not for weeks, but for years.
Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry, who criticized Obama last week for passing on the chance to visit the border region while in Texas, as well as for sending weak signals to the illegals’ host countries to deter more attempted crossings, also reminded the press that he had implored the President to address the same problem two years ago — back when decisive action could have prevented the current crisis.
“By failing to take immediate action to return these minors to their countries of origin and prevent and discourage others from coming here, the federal government is perpetuating the problem,” wrote Perry in May of 2012:
Inaction encourages other minors to place themselves in extremely dangerous situations. … Every child allowed to remain encourages hundreds more to attempt the journey.
… I urge you to begin immediate consultation with governments of the countries of origin. These nations must assume responsibility for their own citizens, recognizing that they have the power and ability to prevent this dangerous situation.
This must stop, Mr. President, and it is your responsibility to make that happen.
Obama, of course did not make that happen, and even mainstream publications like The Washington Post have taken notice.
“In a letter to Obama more than two years ago, Perry raised a red alarm about an influx of unaccompanied children crossing the southern border, citing federal statistics showing that the number of minors had shot up 90 percent,” wrote The Post’s David Nakamura last week.
“… Two years later, Perry’s letter appears prescient.”

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