Tuesday, July 15, 2014

When You Call Racism At Every Turn, It Minimizes Those Really Effected By The Hate.

Eric Holder’s ‘Racial Animus’

July 15, 2014 by  
 22 12
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It must be tough to be Accomplice — sorry — Attorney General Eric Holder. All day long, whatever he does and wherever he goes, racism waits. According to Holder, whose resume boasts a host of accomplishments ranging from the murder of Border Agent Brian Terry to criminal and civil convictions for contempt of Congress, public revulsion to his and his boss’ crimes and misdemeanors is spurred by something he calls “racial animus.”
During a sit down with ABC News in London, Holder claimed: “There’s a certain level of vehemence, it seems to me, that is directed at me, directed at the President… There’s a certain racial component to this… I don’t think this is a main driver, but for some there is a racial animus.”
I find Holder’s attempts to downplay legitimate revulsion over the Barack Obama Administration’s extralegal shenanigans by citing “racial animus” nearly as funny as I find Al Sharpton’s attempts to pronounce multisyllabic words. I also find them a bit disheartening. After all, despite a rap sheet that would earn you or me a 6-by-8 suite at the Lockdown Hotel, he’s the Attorney General of the United States.
There are literally millions of lawyers in the United States, most of whom are white and nearly all of whom have never been convicted of contempt of Congress. Not one of them currently runs the U.S. Department of Justice. For that matter, not one of the many white lawyers — not to mention black, Hispanic and Asian lawyers — is currently Holder’s boss. Instead, it’s a man who complains about racism as often as Sharpton mangles the English language.
Meanwhile, there are no shortages of black men and women who still deal with the kind of racist venom espoused by former Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd (D-W.V.) and his Ku Klux Klan pals. Ben Carson, M.D., is black. He’s also one of the premier neurosurgeons in the history of the human species. He’s also — gasp — a conservative. While Holder whines about so-called “racial animus,” Carson, who has yet to earn even a single criminal conviction, lives with it every day. One of them sold guns to Mexican narcoterrorists and then lied about it under oath; the other developed virtually miraculous surgical advancements. One has proudly contributed to taking life; the other has dedicated his career to preserving it. One of them claims to be a victim; the other spent most of his professional life saving them.
Carson isn’t the only example of victims of the real racism espoused by the self-described “progressives.” Lt. Col. Allen West has seen it, although I doubt many liberals would be willing to hurl their invective from within the same ZIP code, much less arm’s reach. Actress Stacey Dash has heard it, but the venom the regressives spew at her could be more about their hatred of strong, independent women than their hatred of strong, independent African-Americans. And former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice knows its stench, but she’s too busy being one of the most accomplished women — people — in American history to worry about it. And Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has seen it glowering over a Senate rostrum, but he’s ignored it in favor of being — well — a Supreme Court justice.
I’m sure there are some Presidential opponents whose objections are motivated by “a certain racial component.” However, they represent an infinitesimally small minority of those whose objections are motivated by a definite moral component. Pardon me for disputing the word of such a sterling example of honesty, but Holder isn’t contending with “racial animus.” Holder is contending with “just deserts.”

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