Friday, August 8, 2014

Any 911 Dispatcher Who Suggests That A Person Should Voluntarily Disarm Themselves Should Lose Their Job! It's Called Endangering The Public!

911 Dispatcher Tells Octogenarian To Lower Her Weapon And Wait For Police While Thug Breaks Into Her Home

August 8, 2014 by  
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N.J. Logan, an 80-year-old Florida woman who had recently had hip replacement surgery, was resting at her home Holmes Beach, when some noises outside her window startled her. After discerning that it wasn’t her husband — who wasn’t expected home yet — her attention focused on protecting herself.
“Once I realized it wasn’t my husband… you have no idea how fast you can go,” Logan told Tampa’s Fox 13 News. “All I wanted was my gun.” The invader had smashed the plate glass of Logan’s door, and had then cut out the screen behind it. Logan didn’t know whether someone was still inside her house, or where in the house an intruder might be.
According to the report, Logan headed toward the source of the noise, gun in hand, yelling warnings at whomever had entered her home. “I really didn’t want to have to shoot anybody,” she said.
Only after arming herself did she call 911 for help. But the dispatcher repeatedly told her to put down her weapon.
“When I called 911, she [the dispatcher] kept saying, ‘put the gun down, put the gun down,’” Logan told Fox 13. “I said, ‘I’ll put the gun down when I see the police.’”
Not only is it a bad idea to throw away your best option for self-defense when someone intends to do harm to you or your property — it’s also a bad idea to take a firearm out of your own hands and place it in neutral territory, where the bad guy has an opportunity to grab the weapon and use your own gun against you.
Logan didn’t come face to face with the intruder (or intruders). They fled after she announced that she was armed. Local police had not found a suspect in the break-in as of Thursday afternoon.
“I believe in guns inside your house, because I don’t think anybody has a right to break into your private domain,” Logan said.
Holmes Beach Police Chief William Tokajer evidently sees things Logan’s way. “I think it’s a wake-up call to any would-be burglar,” he told Fox 13.

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