Friday, August 8, 2014

The War Between Clinton Clan And Obama Is Heating Up. Prez Encouraging Elizabeth Warren To Run Against Hillary!

Ed Klein: Valerie Jarrett in Secret Meetings With Elizabeth Warren

Thursday, 07 Aug 2014 03:07 PM
By Courtney Coren
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Veteran journalist and New York Times best-selling author Ed Klein says that President Barack Obama's senior adviser has been meeting with Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren to encourage her to run against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, at the president's request.

"President Obama has authorized Valerie Jarrett, his most important political adviser to hold secret meetings with Elizabeth Warren to encourage her to challenge Hillary Clinton because the Obamas do not want to see the Clintons succeed them in the White House," Klein told J.D. Hayworth on "America's Forum" on Newsmax TV Thursday.
The former editor-in-chief of The New York Times Magazine says that he learned about the meetings through his sources, and he said that he believes it is "absolutely true."Klein wrote about the alleged division between the Obamas and the Clintons in his latest book "Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. the Obamas," which came out in June. "The mainstream media is concentrated almost entirely on the feud between the tea party and establishment wing of the Republican Party," he contends."It's almost totally ignored, the feud that I write about in 'Blood Feud,' between the Obamas and the Clintons, which is very deep and gut wrenching," he explained. 

Even though Clinton is considered the leading candidate for the Democratic Party for the presidential ticket in 2016, Klein says she "is looking quite vulnerable."

"Despite all the money and the organization she has behind her, you're going to see several people challenging her for the nomination," he said.

"Perhaps Elizabeth Warren, perhaps even Jerry Brown, the governor of California, Martin O'Malley, the governor of Maryland and perhaps others," he suggested.

"We're going to see a lively debate for that nomination in the Democratic Party," Klein added.

According to the New York Times best-selling author, Warren is being pressured by some in the Kennedy family and others to run for president in 2016.

"She's certainly being pushed by the Kennedys and by a lot of people on the left wing of the Democratic Party who are wildly supportive of Elizabeth Warren because she reminds everyone of Ted Kennedy and his full-throated liberal speeches against the wealthy and against the entrenched corporate interest," Klein explained.

"And Elizabeth Warren really gets that left wing base of the party excited, where Hillary does not," he added.

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