Wednesday, November 12, 2014

If You Voted Against Obama And His Policies And Now Believe Things Will Be Different, You Are In For A Surprise.

If you thought that voting against Democrats would correct what Washington does, you are in for a surprise.  In one area, the environment, Obama and his minions are about to start down a road from which it will be hard to recover.

Obama and his green policies are going on steroids and will dramatically effect every American. The result will be that prices for electricity are going to skyrocket, prices on manufactured goods will grow exponentially, and the American standard of living will fall precipitously if his policies see the light of day.

Yesterday it was reported that Obama and the Chinese Prime Minister met and made an agreement to dramatically reduce greenhouse gases over the upcoming decades. Do we really think that China cares about carbon dioxide or are they giving lip service to make Obama look like he really did something? They don't care and we doubt there are any penalties on the Chinese if there is no progress on their part,  They want us to spend our money on wasteful technologies, so they can continue building their economy and their war machine.

It is all about giving a platform for Obama to say that we signed an agreement and we must live up to it. It would not surprise us that the agreement has words like "shall" and "will" when it comes to American commitment and "attempt",or "target" when it comes to the Chinese.

On top of that development, the following story from Politico dramatically illustrates the policies that Obama will follow in his last two years as it relates to the environment and  the few tools the Republicans have to combat his "pen" when it comes to these topics.

So if you thought the republic was safe from destruction by Obama, think again, His plan was and is "to fundamentally change America" and by the end of his term he will have changed her from a world leader with the strongest economy, mightiest military and a world leader to a bankrupt shell with third rate army who is the laughingstock of the world.

Is that what you want? Is that what you voted for? We emphatically say "no" to both questions. Are you with us?

Conservative Tom

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