Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Obama Administration Tramples On Rights Of Veterans And This Time It Is The VA.

ALERT: Vets Receive Shocking Letter From the VA… This Is Tyranny

The scandalous mistreatment of America’s veterans by the Veteran’s Administration left much of America in shock and disbelief this year.
The news of widespread corruption and the deliberate deleting of veterans’ records and appointments, in order to create the appearance of “fixing” the horrific backlog of unseen VA patients, brought the scandal to a breaking point and national attention.

Cries arose from all sides demanding that the problems with the VA be fixed, and President Barack Obama vowed to get right on it.
But the truth is, Obama “doesn’t give a damn” about our nation’s veterans, as he has known about the VA scandal since 2008, yet did absolutely nothing about it until public opinion forced him to.
Lost amongst all of this was an even more egregious and scandalous assault on the Second Amendment-protected rights and liberties of our veterans. (H/T WND)
Last year, during the Obama administration’s heavy push for more gun control, Obama used regulatory action through the VA to arbitrarily strip and deny veterans of their inherent right to keep and bear arms.
Letters were sent out by the Veteran’s Benefits Administration which informed veterans that they could be determined “incompetent” to handle their financial affairs by the VA and would be assigned a fiduciary adviser.  This ruling of incompetence would be forwarded to the FBI’s NICS background check system though, which would automatically make them ineligible to purchase or possess a firearm.
These determinations of incompetence were done arbitrarily and without a clear and public set of rules, regulations, or criteria, and skipped over the whole “due process” right guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment, or an adjudication by a judge, as required by law.
The VA was sued over the letters, and little more has been heard about them since then.
However, this is just another example of how Obama has taken a dim and disrespectful view of our nation’s military and veterans, and of the Constitutional rights that those veterans defended.
This is also an example of the treasonous way in which Obama and his sycophants have systematically tried to demonize the Second Amendment and returning veterans, in their never-ending quest to disarm the American population, especially those with the training and determination to stand up and resist tyranny.

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