Friday, December 12, 2014

Race Relations In Ferguson, Not Quite The Story The Press Has Told You! Why Is The Good News Being Avoided?

From: Right To Bear Blog:

What You’re Not Being Told About Guns in Ferguson

Screen Shot 2014-11-29 at 2.55.23 PMThe mainstream media wants everyone in America to have very divided opinions on Ferguson.
Their liberal bosses are trying as hard as they can to provoke racial division in the US. And Ferguson serves as a great catalyst for manufactured division.
If the media actually wanted to do their job they would focus not just on how AR-15s and pistols are helping to protect several local businesses. They’d also focus on how whites are standing up for blacks, and blacks are standing up for whites.
One of the most encouraging stories is how a group of four black men are standing guard over a gas station owned by a white man.
You see, Missouri is one of the many states that allows for the open carry of fire arms. And what Mom’s Demand Against can’t argue against is that the display of weapons is not only a valid right, it’s a demonstrably effective tactic to deter violence.
Review Journal wrote of the courageous men who are helping to keep law and order:
[Concerning the men guarding the gas station] One, a six feet, eight-inch tall man named Derrick Jordan – “Stretch,” as friends call him – whisked an AR-15 assault rifle out from a pickup truck parked near the entrance.
Jordan, 37, was one of four black Ferguson residents who spent Tuesday night planted in front of the store, pistols tucked into their waistbands, waiting to ward off looters or catch shoplifters.
Jordan and the others guarding the gas station are all black. The station’s owner is white.

“We would have been burned to the ground many times over if it weren’t for them,” said gas station owner Doug Merello, whose father first bought it in 1984.
Merello said he feels deep ties to Ferguson, and if the loyalty of some of his regular customers is any indication, the feeling is mutual.
At times, Jordan and his friends were joined on Tuesday night by other men from the neighborhood, also armed. None of the men was getting paid to be there. They said they felt they owed it to Merello, who has employed many of them over the years and treats them with respect.
“He’s a nice dude, he’s helped us a lot,” said a 29 year old who identified himself as R.J. He said he, like the other volunteers, had lived a short distance away from the store for most of his life.
The men have managed to use the weapons in several instances to chase away criminals focused on robbing and looting.
And while second amendment supporters are aware this is the purpose of firearms, it’s particularly disheartening to see that not only is the story of the effective use of guns being ignored.
They’re purposefully keeping an inspiring story of race relations under wraps.
It’s a pretty big indication that there is a wide and active conspiracy to downplay positive firearms use and positive race relations.
These kinds of actions are ruinous to the republic.
Don’t be surprised if the divide continues to widen thanks to the media.
Are you prepared for riots in your streets? Is your family?

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