Friday, December 12, 2014

When Black Judges And Attorneys Will Not Accept A Grand Jury Verdict, Is There Any Hope In Solving The Race Issues In This Country?

BREAKING: Bad News for Officer Wilson… This Isn’t Good

Thursday, December 11th, 2014
A group of black lawyers and judges appears to have it out for former Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson.
He recently resigned honorably, citing safety issues for other officers in the department.
But just this week, a group of black attorneys have filed a petition to help completely ruin Wilson’s life and pride.
The National Bar Association, a group of black lawyers and judges, recently filed a nine-page petition with the Missouri Department of Public Safety demanding that Wilson have his law enforcement license revoked.
The question is, why? What did this officer do wrong that he deserves to have his law enforcement license stripped?
It was decided by a grand jury in St. Louis that Wilson was simply doing his job on that August day when he was forced to shoot the black, six-foot-three, 300-pound Mike Brown because he was attempting to take Wilson’s gun away.
No indictment or charges were filed against Wilson. He just had a bad day at work where he encountered and eventually was forced to shoot a dangerous man who had just committed strong-arm robbery.
As the officer testified many times, he was in fear for his life.
According to Yahoo News, in the petition, the NBA claims that Wilson “assaulted and murdered the 18-year-old Brown.”
What’s startling about that statement is that this is a large group of what one would believe to be individuals with above-average intelligence. Surely a prominent group of lawyers and judges can’t be so idiotic as to allege Wilson assaulted and murdered Brown?
But that’s exactly what they did, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
Their petition, therefore, screams of Al Sharpton-level race hustling.
“Until there is some form of teaching officers to de-escalate a situation similar to how they do with suspects who are not African-American, until we are at that point, we think it’s in the best interest of the public that those individual licenses are removed,” NBA president Pamela Meanes told Yahoo News.
With a statement like that, it’s easy to see that this group of people have a serious misunderstand of what happened between Wilson and Brown.
Neil Bruntrager, one of Wilson’s attorneys, said that Wilson will not surrender his licensewithout a fight, should it get to that point.
Right now, it doesn’t look like the petition is getting much traction with the state’s top cop and head of DPS, Dan Isom.
Nor should it.

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