Saturday, January 31, 2015

California Dimmi School Discusses Islamophobia Encourages Girls To Wear Hijab!

ALERT: US School Hosts Special “Day” to Promote SHARIAH LAW

Friday, January 30th, 2015
In a selective violation of what liberals would call the principle of separation of church and state, a student at a California prep school is holding a special day that aims to promote the wearing of Muslim headscarves for girls.
The student has the full backing of the school’s principal along with support from the Council on Islamic-American Relations.
In what should be more appropriately known as “Shariah Law Day,” a female student who also happens to intern for CAIR, a Muslim Brotherhood front group, handed out fliers to announce “NP3 Hijab Day” at her school.
The announcement came after the student gave a presentation on “Islamophobia” at a staff meeting that a card-carrying member of CAIR attended.
The Muslim Students Association, another group with links to the Muslim Brotherhood, was also backing the event.
One concerned citizen emailed principal Tom Rutten with a list of concerns surrounding the event promoting  Shariah law and the suppression of women’s rights in a positive light (H/T BizPac Review).
The citizen pointed out that if the school held an event called “Yarmulke Day” to promote Judaism, the fallout would be epic to say the least.
Jihad Watch obtained a copy of the email from the understandably concerned citizen. Apparently, instead o f answer the email himself, Rutten had the student in charge of the event respond.
“NP3 Hijab Day was part of my Senior Project, meant to bring awareness to my campus about the misconceptions surrounding Islam, particularly those surrounding the headscarf,” the student wrote.
“I invited a speaker to talk to faculty about addressing Islamophobia in the classroom and the challenges in the Muslim world,” she added, “and they appreciated the open and frank discussion.”
The student said the citizen’s email was irrational but never denied MSA’s links to the Muslim Brotherhood.
We’d like to ask the student if she thinks it’s rational to force women to cover their entire bodies throughout the Middle East or face brutal consequences if they don’t comply.
Or how about the rationality of radical Muslims who behead Western citizens for fun? Or the suppression of freedom of speech by violently killing those who support it?
Rationality does not exist among radical radical Muslims. That’s proven every single day.

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