Saturday, January 31, 2015

Mosquito Corps Now Forming

We received the following post today at our Twitter account:
Shaun Frankson
If you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosiquito in the room.

It got us thinking about Radcial Islam, the best current example  of this century's evil, and how it seems to be gaining a foothold world wide. Whether it is ISIS, Boko Haram, The Muslim Brotherhood or Al Qaeda, the absolute brutality of these organizations can only be compared with last century's evil regimes of Nazi Germany, Pol Pot or Stalin.  As we faced down evil before, it is again time for us to do it in the 21st century. We must become the mosquito buzzing around the heads of the leaders of our country, causing them misery so that they cannot sleep.

Making them take actions which are unpopular such as declaring Radical Islam persona non grata in the world. Making them call Radical Muslims who practice the evil, criminals. We must make the leaders give up political correctness that is enveloping the world and to call a "spade a spade".  In other words we must make them face the threat rather than to avoid it.

We must become the mosquito, the pest, the irritant, the reminder that what  they are doing is not right and is not in the best interests of the
country or the world.

Will you become a mosquito and join the "mosquito brigade?"  We are forming now.

Conservative Tom 

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