Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Coward Michael Moore Throws Stones But Did Not Have The Guts To Put On A Uniform And Serve!

Marine Sniper Dakota Meyer: Michael Moore's the Real Coward

Image: Marine Sniper Dakota Meyer: Michael Moore's the Real Coward Filmaker Michael Moore. (Lucas Jackson/ Reuters/Landov)
Tuesday, 20 Jan 2015 01:45 PM
By Joel Himelfarb
Filmmaker Michael Moore's labeling of all snipers as "cowards" continues to draw fire, particularly from veterans who say Moore slandered numerous generations of American soldiers and displayed extraordinary ignorance of the essential work snipers do.

In response to the extraordinary success of the film "American Sniper," a movie based on the actions of the late war hero Chris Kyle, Moore declared that "all snipers" are "cowards who will shoot you in the back." He added that snipers are "not heroes" and that his uncle had been killed by one during World War II.

Moore's comments were blasted by Dakota Meyer, awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroic efforts to save fellow soldiers who came under fire in Afghanistan.

Writing at Scout.com, Meyer, who served three years as a Marine sniper, said that "American Sniper" depicted snipers' work "perfectly."

A sniper's main goal is "to eliminate ground threats for U.S. guys on the ground," Meyer wrote. "Is that what a coward is?"

Cowards, Meyer emphasized in responding to Moore, "are people who didn't have the guts to serve, and are happy to sit back in a free and protected country and call our service members cowards."

Meyer added that he found it amusing that Moore only began making his "all snipers are cowards" rant after the death of Kyle, the man "American Sniper" was based on.

"I find it funny that this Moore guy would only say this after Chris Kyle was killed," Meyer wrote. "I'd have loved to see him say that to Chris's face."

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