Monday, January 19, 2015

Is Obama A Muslim Believer? We Think So.

When it comes to Islamic terrorism, is Obama on our side?

Hi. I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. As a kid, we used to say: “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” We were wrong. Words are dangerous. Words can be deadly. Words (or the lack of them) can inspire terrorism. As radical Islamic jihad threatens our countries, our children and our free speech, there is a new Neville Chamberlain. His name is Barack Hussein Obama.
The problem is in the words Obama says and doesn’t say. The words he uses to praise Islam and the words he refuses to say to denounce radical Islam are dangerous to America.
Ask any general. The key to fighting a war is to know your enemy. In the history of warfare, no one has ever been afraid to say the enemy’s name out loud. Until now. Until Obama.
Why can’t Obama connect the words “Islam” and “terrorism”? It’s not as if there isn’t enough evidence:
  • 9/11 was Islamic terrorism.
  • The Madrid train bombing was Islamic terrorism.
  • The London subway bombings were Islamic terrorism.
  • The Mumbai, India, hotel attack was Islamic terrorism.
  • The Kenyan mall attack was Islamic terrorism.
  • The Benghazi embassy attack was Islamic terrorism.
  • The burning of entire villages and wholesale murder of women and children in Nigeria is Islamic terrorism.
  • The murder of more than 100 innocent children at one school in Pakistan was Islamic terrorism.
  • The attack on Canada’s Parliament was Islamic terrorism.
  • The Boston bombing and Fort Hood massacre was Islamic terrorism.
  • The beheadings and slaughter of thousands of women and children by ISIS is Islamic terrorism.
  • The attack on the coffee shop in Australia was Islamic terrorism.
  • The attack and murder only days ago of cartoonists in Paris were very much Islamic terrorism.
If our President can’t put those two words together — if he can’t say “Islamic” and “terrorism” in the same sentence — then something is very wrong. Remember this is the same guy who denies that ISIS has anything to do with Islam.
It’s clear to anyone but an idiot or a liberal (I know, I repeat myself) that the world’s enemy is radical Islam. But sadly, it’s more not just “radical Islam.” Let’s stop being politically correct. Islam itself is a problem. Millions of Muslims who aren’t “radical” support and even celebrate intolerance and terrorism.
This is a battle being fought since the Crusades. Even Thomas Jefferson, the original libertarian isolationist, made an exception for Islam. Jefferson wanted no wars, no big military expenditures and no “entangling alliances.” Yet under Jefferson, we fought five long years of war versus Islamic terrorists (then called Barbary pirates).
As you can see, nothing much has changed. Call it Islam, call it radical Islam, call it jihad or call it fundamental Islam. The fact is Islam is producing hate, intolerance and death. Yes, it is the radical faction that wants to kill us, murder our children, drop gays from rooftops, stone women who show an inch of ankle, throw acid in the face of girls who dare try to educate themselves and, worst of all, murder anyone who speaks, writes or even draws cartoons with which they disagree. But there is more at work here than just a few “radicals.”
I was born a Jew. My relatives were murdered in Germany. Not every German was a Nazi murderer. But almost every German went along with the Holocaust. They knew what was happening. They let it happen. They remained silent while 6 million Jews were tortured, enslaved and gassed. That made them complicit in the murders.
What is happening today is eerily similar. Not all Muslims are bad people. Ninety-five percent will never murder anyone. Ninety-five percent will never be a terrorist. But like Germans of the Nazi era, most Muslims remain silent about the horrific acts of their brothers and sisters.
Even Muslims in America are guilty of silence. Have you seen any marches in Detroit by American Muslims denouncing terrorism? That makes them complicit. You are either for intolerance, terrorism and murder… or against it.
And that is why what Obama doesn’t say is such a problem. He, too, is silent. He, too, refuses to place blame on Islam. He refuses to call it what it is: Islamic terrorism or jihad. He refuses to call out American Muslims for not taking a strong public stand against terrorism.
Obama’s words (or the lack thereof) are dangerous. But his actions are even more dangerous. Here are but a few:
  • When a “unity rally” against Islamic terrorism was held in Paris this past Sunday, more than 40 world leaders were there. But not Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry or Eric Holder. The U.S. sent no top officials to attend. Even Turkey’s prime minister participated in the rally that Obama had no time to join. But Obama sent three White House officials to the funeral of thug Michael Brown. What was the message to the world? Maybe the important question is what message was Obama sending to radical Islamic terrorists?
  • Obama has left our borders wide open for terrorists. ISIS and al-Qaida terrorist cells are very likely in this country right now, ready to attack. Don’t take my word for it. Democratic U.S. Sen. Diane Feinstein just announced it. It’s a shame she doesn’t understand her own president is the enabler.
  • Obama (in concert with the United Nations) has suspended immigration laws to import thousands of Muslims from war zones like Iraq, Somalia and Syria.
  • He’s bringing the same violent, radicalized Muslims to America that have led to crisis, intolerance, terror attacks and crisis in Europe.
  • Obama has repeatedly condemned Israel for defending itself.
  • It was Obama who in 2010 criticized the now-infamous French magazine Charlie Hebdo for daring to publish cartoons offensive to Islam.
  • It was the Obama administration who banned the word “Islamic” from being associated with terrorism in FBI, law enforcement and military manuals.
  • Obama’s negotiations with Iran over its right to build a nuclear bomb can best be described as “surrender.”
  • Obama is releasing radical Islamic leaders from Gitmo, many who have already vowed to kill more Americans.
  • He’s even freed a nuclear terrorist.
What is Obama’s agenda? It certainly isn’t to protect Americans, our country or our children.
Does Obama suffer from complete ignorance? Crippling political correctness? Is he blinded by his childhood in Indonesia? I don’t know. But I know something is wrong.
Forget “I am Charlie.” We should all be asking publicly: “Who is Obama, and what is Obama’s agenda toward Islamic terrorism? Is he on our side? Is he here to help us, or to hurt us?”
I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. See you next week. God bless America.

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