Monday, March 23, 2015

Isn't It Time We Start Believing The Nuts In Iran? Why Are Obama And Kerry Bending Themselves Into Pretzels To Make A Deal? There Must Be An Answer But It Probably Is Not Positive For The US Or Israel!

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Iran Rouhani
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. (PressTV)
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei accused the United States on Saturday of using economic pressure and “bullying” to try turning his countrymen against Islamic rule, underscoring his long-held mistrust of the US, Tehran’s main partner in the nuclear negotiations.
Amid shouts of “‘Death to America,” Khamenei, who has the last word on all matters of state, reiterated in a speech in northeastern Iran that Tehran would not be pressured into giving in to Western demands in talks with the P5+1 negotiating partners – the US, the UK, Russia, China, France and Germany.
Iran, which rejects allegations that it wants to build a nuclear weapon and claims that
 its nuclear program is meant for “peaceful” purposes, is negotiating with the six world
powers in search of a framework deal by the end of March, and a final agreement by June 30.
Khamenei denounced the sanctions and “arrogant” Western powers, blaming them and
regional Arab countries for the halving of oil prices since last June, which has further
 added pressure to Iran’s economy.
A man in the audience shouted “Death to America,” a cry taken up by the crowd.
Khamenei continued: “Of course, yes, death to America, because America is the original
 source of this pressure. They insist on putting pressure on our dear people’s economy.
What is their goal? Their goal is to put the people against the system.”
But the 75-year-old cleric also voiced support for the government of President Hassan Rouhani,
 which is conducting the negotiations, and urged any Iranians critical of its performance
 not to use insults, an apparent indication that the Supreme Leader continues to place
 confidence in Rouhani’s team.

Kerry Reports Progress, Khamenei Challenges Obama

Tehran demands a lifting of international sanctions, while the negotiating team is
pressing for curbs on Iran’s most sensitive nuclear activities for at least 10 years.
US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Saturday that talks with Iran had made
genuine progress and that the time had come to make hard decisions.
kerry zarif
Secretary of State Kerry meets with Iranian FM Zarif for nuclear negotiations. (US Department of State)
Khamenei challenged a message
to Iranians by US President Barack
Obama on Thursday in which he said
 that the nuclear talks represented
 the best opportunity in decades to
 pursue a different relationship between
 the two countries.
Khameini dismissed Obama’s assertion
that there were those in Iran who stood
against a diplomatic solution to the
nuclear issue.
“This is a lie. There is no one in Iran who doesn’t want the nuclear issue to be resolved,
and resolved through negotiations. What the Iranian people don’t want is imposition
and bullying from America,” he said.
“The other side says, ‘Let’s come and negotiate and you accept every detail of what
we say.’ … Neither our leaders nor our negotiating team nor the people of Iran, who
are behind them, will accept this.”
Khamenei added that Iran was negotiating solely on the nuclear dispute and not about
regional matters, an apparent reference to conflicts and instability in Iraq, Syria and the Gulf.
“The goals of America on regional issues are the complete opposite of our goals. We
 want peace and security in the region…. The politics of America is to create
insecurity,” he said.
By: Reuters and United with Israel Staff

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