Monday, March 23, 2015

Hillary Must Be Excited, Another Bimbo Eruption!



(World News Daily) – A 16-year old girl has presented a paternity action lawsuit this morning, 
before an Arkansas state court, alleging that the former president of the United States, William
 Jefferson Clinton, is her biological father.
Alyssa Gilmore claims that her mother, a former secretary of the oval office named Whitney 
Gilmore, had an affair with President Clinton between 1998 and 2001. She says she was born 
out of that relationship, and demands that Mr. Clinton undergoes a paternity test to prove that 
her story is true.
“I know Bill Clinton is my father” says the young girl. “I have many pictures of my mother 
and him  and I know they were in love. He even gave me présents for Christmas and my 
birthdays when I was a kid, before he left my mother. I have spent many years writing him 
letters and calling him, hoping he would come back in my life. At first, he would write 
back and we spoke on the phone regularly, but he doesn’t even answer anymore. I just 
want him to take his responsibilities and recognize that he is my father, that’s all.”
Judge Henri Watkins of the Arkansas state court, rapidly decided that Ms. Gilmore had 
enough evidence to support her demand and announced that the presentation of the 
evidence will begin on March 19. Bill Clinton wasn’t present in the courthouse 
this morning, in Little Rock, but he met the media less than an hour after the judge’s
 decision, in Washington.
Mr. Clinton denied having an affair with Ms. Gilmore or being the father of the teenage
 girl. He adds that the timing of the accusations suggests that they are intended to ruin 
his wife’s chances in the run for the presidential elections in November.
“Whitney was indeed my secretary, and she has been a friend of both my wife and
 I for many years” says the former president. “I have worked with her for a few years, and 
I have met her daughter a few times. But we never had any sexual relationship and  I am 
not the father of Alyssa Gilmore. This whole thing is just a diversion created by the
 Republican party to ruin Hillary’s chances in the run for presidency. I want to get this 
over with as soon as possible.”
This is not the first time that Bill Clinton is involved in an adultery-related scandal. 
The most famous case is of course, when he admitted to having had what he called 
an “inappropriate relationship” with Monica Lewinsky while she worked at the White
 House in 1995 and 1996.
There were also many other women who claimed over the years that they had affairs 
with Mr. Clinton or that they were victims of sexual misbehavior on his part. These 
include Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddick,  Kathleen Willey,  Elizabeth 
Ward Gracen and Dolly Kyle Browning.

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