Monday, March 23, 2015

The Gentle, Warm, Welcoming Side Of ISIS

ISIS Implements Horrific New Butchery Tool For Mutilating The Enemy

Sharia law is so extensive and strictly interpreted that there are countless offenses for which a person could potentially be whipped, mutilated, or even painfully executed. Used as a scare tactic to keep fearful civilians in line, public sentences are often carried out in crowded squares, shedding light on the horrors that have raged since the time of the IslamicProphet Muhammad.
Just as it requested suggestions for an execution method of Jordanian pilot Lt. Moaz Al-Kassasbeh, the Islamic State is always trying to come up with new, creative ways to exact the most savage punishments on law breakers, sometimes improving upon the most gruesome techniques.
Perhaps in an effort to create a more efficient manner of dismemberment, ISIS is utilizing a makeshift torture tool on those accused of thievery and watching pornography.
Depraved insurgents have released grotesque footage showing a thief’s hand being chopped off by what seems to be an industrial hand guillotine, the Daily Mail reports.
ISIS Implements Horrific New Butchery Tool For Mutilating The Enemy
Filmed somewhere near Iraq’s Tigris River, the video shows an Islamic cleric reading out charges brought against the accused. The man’s sentence is quickly carried out, leaving him with a bloody stump where his hand once was.
The man’s detached hand lies next to him as medics attend to his wounds by wrapping the sterilized wound in gauze.
The masses burst into celebration at the man’s punishment, cheering on his butchers as they quench the bored crowd’s blood lust.
The man’s right hand is bound by a tight rope around his wrist, securing his hand in position for the impending agony. His hand is then fastened by a metal clamp that holds his arm in place below the giant metal blade.
The hand guillotine appears similar to the industrial-sized cutter often used for large reams of paper.
ISIS Implements Horrific New Butchery Tool For Mutilating The Enemy
This is just one of the many brutal punishments of savage Sharia law, but it is not as feared and loathed as most Westerners might think.
In Afghanistan, 99 percent of the population supporting the implementation of Sharia law. The same goes for 91 percent in Iran, 89 percent in Palestine, and 84 percent in Pakistan, according to Pew Research.
Because Muslims are commanded in the Quran to establish Sharia law in every county so that they might bring about the prophesied Caliphate, it is no surprise that these same devout Islamists are so energized and delighted by the horrific sentences that come along with it.

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