Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Human Smugglers Get Smart!!

fake border patrol

Agent Notices Something Strange About

 Border Patrol SUV, Shocked to Find 

This Inside

Border Patrol agents in Texas noticed something strange while driving behind 
what they thought was one of their own Border Patrol vehicles recently. The 
SUV didn’t have the overhead mounted lights that are standard on all of their 
When agents pulled over the suspicious SUV, they found 12 illegal aliens
 huddled like sardines in the back of the vehicle.
The strange thing is, the human smugglers managed to travel nearly 70 miles 
into Texas before being discovered.
The incident happened on Interstate 35 at mile marker 65 near the town

of Cotulla. That would be located nearly seventy miles into Texas. A border

patrol agent became suspicious of the cloned vehicle while he was following

it, Border Patrol Agent Hector Garza told Breitbart Texas while acting in his

capacity as president of the National Border Patrol Council, Local 2455.

After stopping the suspicious vehicle the driver was arrested and the agent

found 12 illegal aliens stuffed inside the Chevy Tahoe that had been painted

with Border Patrol vehicle markings.
“This shows the level of deviousness and desperation these smugglers

will stoop to in order to deliver their cargo,” Garza said in an interview with

Breitbart Texas. “They will not stop. Whether they are smuggling drug,

humans or terrorists, to them it is just about the money.”
Garza said the 12 illegal aliens stuffed in a Tahoe shows

the total disregard for human life these smugglers show

towards the people they haul. “If this vehicle had become

involved in a high-speed chase, it could have been

The vehicle was painted to look like a Tahoe regularly

used by the U.S. Border Patrol. It did not have any

overhead lights normally found on the vehicles. It did;

however, have a light bar mounted on the dashboard

and the rear view mirror had been removed. It appears

the rear seats may have been removed in order to

stuff more people into the vehicle.
Given the lengths that these human smugglers will go to and the disregard 
they have for their human cargo, don’t you think it’s about time we
 secured our southern border and made it more difficult for these
 criminals to carry out their activities?

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