Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Ryan Is Going To Wish He NEVER Took The Speaker Job After Omnibus!

It’s Christmas, boys and girls, and you’ve just been given the gift of a monumental shafting courtesy of your Republicans leaders, chief of whom is Paul Ryan. How does it feel?
How does it feel to be made a fool of? How does it feel to have the Republicans you elected, as a collective, place their thumbs to their noses and wiggle their fingers at you? How does it feel to once again be betrayed by those who promised you that things would be different with Paul Ryan as speaker of the House?
And all of this time you thought it was the door-to-door snake-oil salesman and the Nigerian Internet scams you had to be concerned about. What Paul Ryan and his Republican liars did to We the People amounts to the biggest “screw you” since Obama began his deconstruction of America.
The Obamas have turned being in the White House into the greatest welfare benefit in the history of subsidized living. Now, as they take their taxpayer-funded separate jets to Hawaii, to tack millions more onto the hundred million or more taxpayer dollars they have already misused living high on the old hog, Ryan makes sure Obama gets the Christmas gift of sticking it to the American people “one mooorrrre time.”
House Republicans led by Paul Ryan approved a $1.1 trillion funding bill in a landslide vote of 313-113. The omnibus spending bill included changes in Obamacare that entrenches it even more. The funding bill included $1.6 billion for the resettling of illegals and Muslims (terrorists) in America. Ryan, included ample money in the spending bill to allow for the building of a fence around his Wisconsin mansion, even though he gutted monies out of the bill that would have built the border fence Republicans promised nine years ago.
Oh, and did I mention that the spending bill also includes money to fund Planned Parenthood? After all, we don’t to disappoint the baby-killers over the holidays.
The “stick it to We the People” gift Ryan and House Republicans laid at Obama’s feet included everything but frankincense and myrrh. The Obamas eschew faux couture such as “swaddling clothes” in favor of suits for him by Hartmarx of Chicago (interesting that Obama would find a way to incorporate “marx” into even a clothing line) and Michael Kors, Jason Wu, Narciso Rodriguez and Isabel Toleda, to name but a very few clothing designers for her.
Obama is a problem but the real problem is the Republican Party that smiles and drops their drawers for his every wish.
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are the very least of the candidates we need to be concerned about. We need to be concerned about Republicans – and we especially need to be concerned about Republicans like Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio.
Republicans sold the lie that if we would just help them secure majorities in the House and Senate, things would be different. The only thing that changed was the names on Republican office doors and Republican committee assignments.
This is why Karl Rove, Reince Priebus and even Obama himself fear a Donald Trump presidency. And while there is dispute pursuant to whether former Education Secretary Bill Bennett actually said it or not, the following is certainly no less valid: “It’s no coincidence that everyone has gotten together to destroy ‘The Donald.’ It’s because most of the other politicians are part of the good old boys club. They talk big, but they won’t change a thing. They are all beholden to big-money donors. They are all owned by lobbyists, unions, lawyers, gigantic environmental organizations, and multinational corporations … like ‘Big Pharma’ and ‘Big Oil.’ … Or they are owned lock, stock, and barrel by foreigners, like George Soros owns Obama or foreign governments own Hillary with their Clinton Foundation donations.”
It’s time to wake up, people. The “inside the beltway” Republicans are not our friends. As a matter of truth it would be hard to find a more vicious and single-minded group of enemies.
I hope you are happy with your Christmas gift from “Ryan and company.” For those who are saddened that Ryan’s sleigh didn’t contain more for Obama, I wouldn’t worry – Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/12/a-holiday-shafting-from-paul-ryan-co/#HFt5vCoQ3zcH0WL7.99

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