Sunday, December 13, 2015

Obama, The Muslim, Non-American President, Presages The Next Democratic Fraud

When White House spokesman Josh Earnest claimed Donald Trump “disqualified himself” in his bid for the presidency by calling for a moratorium on Muslim immigration until Washington figures out how to screen out terrorists, I really expected a better Trump response.
“Disqualified?” Barack Obama making judgments about who’s “qualified” to be president? Isn’t this the guy who refused to release his long-form birth certificate to prove he was constitutionally eligible and legally qualified for the job? And then didn’t he release a document that shows all the earmarks of fraud? Wasn’t that the conclusion of the only law enforcement investigation into the document?
That’s what I had hoped Trump would say. Later, Trump had the right response when Earnest doubled down and accused him of having “fake hair.”
“He lied,” Trump said. “Just like Obama lied about Obamacare. Just like they lied about so much. This administration’s one big lie.”
That was the right response – not only about Trump’s hair, but about the delivery of the fake birth certificate and the entire issue of constitutional eligibility. Even if Obama’s fake birth certificate were real, which it clearly is not, it would still not prove his eligibility. It showed Obama was the son of a foreign student, not a U.S. citizen, and a woman probably too young to confer natural born citizenship upon her son.

Of course, that’s water under the bridge now. I’ve been quiet about the eligibility issue for a long time now. Obama managed to “fundamentally transform” the nation’s definition about constitutional eligibility – and, perhaps, that’s what he was aiming for. Now, the assumption is that any anchor baby is eligible to become president. You can’t even have an intelligent debate or discussion about the issue any longer.
Obama’s legion of minions, by the way, still claim to this day that Trump’s repeated calls for Obama to release his birth certificate also “disqualify” him from running for president.
One in-the-tank supporter, Gloria Steinem, had this to say: “He was a birther. He should be disqualified on the single fact he was accusing President Obama of not being a legitimate president. He was like chief of the birthers!”
Actually, Trump wasn’t the chief. That role would belong to one of two people – me or, my colleague, Jerome Corsi, who wrote the bestselling book, “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” The rise of that book to No. 1 on Amazon prompted Obama to the desperate measure of manufacturing a long-form birth certificate.
Trump rightly called that document a “fake” at the time.
The only legal qualifications for being president is to be at least 35 years old and a “natural born citizen.” It’s really just a question of what “natural born citizen” means that is at issue. It was never about whether someone had a birth certificate. It was always a question about what that document revealed about whether the person met the criteria.
In Obama’s case, we still don’t know – because no one dared explore the issue or call for a legal ruling or even examine the document! They did all of those things in the U.S. Senate, I might remind you, during the 2008 presidential election campaign – to establish Sen. John McCain’s constitutional eligibility, which was of great concern to the New York Times, other major media and even Obama, who cast a rare vote in the U.S. Senate to affirm his opponent’s qualifications.
Trump spoke the truth when he called Obama a liar. Haven’t we figured out by now that Obama lies easily, prolifically and instinctively? Isn’t that how he achieved the presidency – legally or not?
It’s hardly just Obamacare that Obama lied about. It’s everything – everything! As impostor president, he has created with his shameless, flagrant, incessant dishonesty a kind of national virtual reality. I don’t even think he knows what truth is – or cares.
The tragic part is that his beloved followers do not know the truth or care about it, either. They are like mirror images of the fraud they helped empower – the epic sham they helped perpetuate.
It’s probably too late to do anything about the Obama fraud.
He’s got just a little over a year left in office. The Republican Congress has no stomach for holding him accountable in the slightest way. They continue to write him blank checks to finish the job of “fundamentally transforming America,” running up deficits in the process. If Obama committed a high crime on live television, they wouldn’t move for impeachment.

Even now though, one of the Republican presidential candidates, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., bemoaning the popularity of Trump and his own miserable standing in the polls, had this to say by way of explanation: “Well there’s about 40 percent of the Republican primary voter who believes that Obama was born in Kenya and is a Muslim. There’s just a dislike for President Obama that is visceral. It’s almost irrational.”
Of course, there’s good reason for both those beliefs – that Obama was born in Kenya and that he’s a Muslim. Obama himself, and his wife, Michelle, have fueled them:
  • In an interview with the New York Times during his first presidential campaign, Obama described the Muslim call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.” Reporter Nicholas Kristof wrote that Obama recited it “with a first-class [Arabic] accent.” The opening lines of the call to prayer? “Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme! I witness that there is no god but Allah. I witness that there is no god but Allah. I witness that Muhammad is his prophet …”
Is it any wonder why 40 percent of Republican voters might be … confused? Could it be those voters have actually been paying close attention to what Obama says? Is it any wonder why so many might even be suspicious over the mixed signals Obama has given over his lifetime?
Maybe history will judge Obama more honestly. Maybe 20 years from now, when it no longer matters, the truth will come out about his eligibility scam. Maybe Obama himself will get millions of dollars by revealing it all in his memoirs.
In the meantime, let’s hope we don’t get fooled, again.
That’s why Jerome Corsi and I are teaming up to stop another fraud from winning the presidency – legally or illegally.
It may be our last chance to save America.


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