Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Why Would Obama Want To Give Up This Pageantry, This Support, This Outrageous Show Of Power? He Doesn't And For This Reason He Will Run In November 2016.

We didn’t see this in our U.S. press. Think of the carbon footprint not to mention the expense.


          If you're not sure what "big  government" implies, take a look at this. 
                  But  you have already read about this in your local newspaper.
Oh no, you  didn't? OK then, you saw it on CNN... No?...  INTERESTING!!!

You and I may never see health care again  the way it used to be,
but "Emperor Obama" took six (6)  doctors with him for a 3 day visit to London - along with 494 other  essential staff. 
Can you imagine the cost to us as taxpayers?  And only  50% of us actually pay taxes in this country. 
Are you happy with the  abuse of our money?

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