Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Will Trump And Cruz Fight Tonight Or....?

Mark Levin Blasts Trump for Criticizing Cruz, Scalia

Image: Mark Levin Blasts Trump for Criticizing Cruz, Scalia(Wire Services Photo) 
By Greg Richter   |   Monday, 14 Dec 2015 10:37 PM
Conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin blasted GOP front-runner Donald Trump for falling for media traps on Sunday and criticizing Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.
"It's been a tough two days for Donald Trump. I hope he learns from this," Levin said on his radio show Monday.

Levin said Trump "took the bait" from CNN's Jake Tapper and Fox News' Chris Wallace on Sunday.

Tapper asked Trump about a quote from Scalia on affirmative action, and Trump criticized the high court justice.
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"Don't get caught up in this," Levin said.

On the same day, a "Fox News Sunday" interview brought criticism from Trump against his presidential primary rival Cruz. Fox doesn't like Trump or Cruz and want them to fight, Levin said.

Trump ended up saying Cruz sometimes acts "like a little bit of a maniac" when dealing with the Senate.
Levin said Trump could have legitimately hit Cruz on his past immigration position, but instead chose to raise "a stupid issue." Senate Republicans Mitch McConnell, John McCain and Lindsey Graham are the real "maniacs," he said.
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