Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Guns Become An Issue In Israel

Israelis are beginning to notice how the recent machine-gun attack in Tel Aviv had much different and tragic results than other armed attacks in the country in recent years.
It’s rare that armed attacks on Israelis result in the perpetrator getting away. Usually, they are shot dead by civilians who are encouraged by officials to arm themselves. was not the case in the Tel Aviv neighborhood on Dizengoff Street.
Two people were killed and seven wounded in the attack by, police believe, Nasha’at Melhem, a 31-year-old Arab-Israeli, who reportedly took the machine gun from his father who works as a police volunteer.
The attack occurred at the Simta pub on Dizengoff 122, near the corner of Gordon Street.
Moshe Nussbaum, a police reporter for Israel Channel 2 commented on a broadcast: “Notice the unfathomable difference between incidents that occurred in Jerusalem – whether they were shooting attacks or stabbing attacks – which always ended when one of the citizens or one of the guards … there was always someone who shot at the terrorist or the shooter as opposed to the incident in Tel Aviv.”
The anchor of the news program responded to his observation: “On Dizengoff on Friday afternoon, they don’t go out with guns. Let’s hope it stays that way. Maybe it will change, to my regret.”
Here’s a network anchor on Israeli TV seeing a tragedy like this and applauding the fact that fewer people in some Tel Aviv neighborhoods are carrying guns.
“Let’s hope it stays that way. Maybe it will change, to my regret.” That’s nuts! Why would Israelis one hope other Israelis stop carrying?
It sounds very much like U.S. television reports.

Given that most of the attacks have been stopped by gun-carrying civilians, Israeli Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan in October eased citizens’ access to guns, calling gun owners a “force multiplier” in combating the nearly daily Palestinian stabbing and car-ramming attacks since September.
Arab terrorists long ago stopped committing armed attacks in Israel for precisely this reason. It was almost always an act of suicide – even when the attacks were committed by multiple gunmen. They began turning to bombings and, more recently, to stabbing attacks, which have the advantage of making less noise and attracting less attention from armed Israelis.
It seems that no matter how much evidence people see that an armed civilian populace results in less carnage, too many still are in denial – even in Israel of all places.
In this case, not only was the perp not shot down before he could kill two and injure seven, he also got away. As this column is being written, he is still on the loose with the potential of killing even more.
Since Oct. 1, 91 Palestinians have been killed while they were carrying out attacks on Israelis – again, most of them by armed civilians.
Even in an environment like that, it is unconscionable that civilians who have access to guns don’t carry them.
It’s also unconscionable in the U.S.
Thankfully, it appears Americans are waking up to this fact – with gun sales soaring to new records every year.
But, in Israel, especially in cosmopolitan neighborhoods like Dizengoff Street, civilians have become more relaxed thinking terrorists would not dare to attack them.
That sounds familiar, too, for Americans. The overwhelming majority of fatal gun attacks in the U.S. occur in cities, most often where law-abiding citizens are discouraged or forbidden from carrying guns.
Will people ever learn? More guns equal less crime.
It’s just that simple.
In a gun-free zone, only criminals have guns.
Can someone please explain to me how that makes people safer?


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