Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Now Cops Are Encouraged To "Shoot To Kill" Protestors

Montel Williams, a 1990s-era TV talk-show host who’s since turned to infomercials and political activism as a means of making a living, said in several Twitter messages he’s quite OK with authorities using deadly force to take out the Oregon protesters who’ve taken over a federal building – that they’re “buffoons” with “terrorist” tendencies and unworthy of constitutional protections,.
In a tweet, he wrote, the Blaze reported: “It appears #OregonUnderAttack by a bunch of undereducated terrorist buffoons who follow #ClivenBundy shall we send them to meet #ISIS.”

The reference to Cliven Bundy was to the Nevada rancher who was involved with an armed standoff with federal authorities in 2014 over grazing rights. That matter was settled peacefully, after the federal government backed off and left the scene.
The current situation in Oregon involves the son of Bundy, Ammon, who has joined with others to protest the jailing of a 73-year-old rancher and his son for a land dispute with the government, as WND reported. The group, which is armed, has taken over a facility at the Mahleur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon, nearly 300 miles east of Portland.
And on that, Williams continued to tweet: “Totally fine with a massive use of deadly force in Oregon to take out Ammon Bundy. #OregonUnderAttack.”

Another: “Then let’s give them some – put this down using National Guard with shoot to kill orders.”
And even after Twitter posters reacted to Williams with outrage, he continued to tweet his call for attacks on the protesters.
He wrote: “I said what I said re Oregon tonight bc these clowns are PURPOSELY endangering LE and threatening armed conflict (by implication) – NOT OK.”

One more: “I’m calling on Govt to end terrorist siege perpetrated by a bunch of hillbilly American Taliban #OregonUnderAttack.”
The characterization reminds of one then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made against the Bundy family during their standoff with feds, when he said during an event hosted by the Las Vegas Review-Journal: “These people, who hold themselves out to be patriots, are not. They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists.”
The Oregon ranchers who are due to go to jail, Dwight Hammond, 73, and his son, Steven Hammond, 46, admitted lighting fires on federal properties in 2001 and 2006 in order to scale back invasive plants and to protect their private lands from wildfires, the Blaze reported. They face five years of imprisonment, Fox News reported.

On that, even Williams admitted compassion.
“I actually think what’s happening to the #Hammond family is wrong,” he tweeted. “Unlike the Bundy folks, they r behaving honorably #OregonUnderAttack.”
Meanwhile. others around the nation have weighed in on the Oregon matter, as well.
The Twitter user who started the hashtag #OregonUnderAttack wondered on the social-media site how the nation would view the protesters if they weren’t white.
“White People must take responsibility and find these terrorists in your communities, #OregonUnderAttack,” tweeted Elon James White, CNN reported.
He also added in a tweet “#BLM has been demonized for so much less,” in reference to the Black Lives Matter movement.
Actress Jackee Harry tweeted, CNN found: “150 armed men aren’t considered a serious threat, yet a 12 year old playing with a toy gun is … Surely you see the hypocrisy here.”
And Mo Ansar, a British Muslim commentator, called on “moderate white people” to “speak out,” in his own Twitter post.
“We can’t hear your voices,” he tweeted, in seeming mock of those who call for the more moderate elements of Muslim society to speak publicly against radicalized Islamism. “How will you tackle this radicalisation?”

Other Twitter users have commented on the country-living status of the protesters, poking fun with a hashtag #YallQaeda.
For instance, this tweet, from John Hulsey, CNN found: “#YallQaeda waging #YeeHawd on America and we’re still calling it a ‘peaceful protest.’ It’s domestic terrorism and we need to shut it down.”
And another, from Matthew Chapman, using the same hashtag: “I’m sick of right-wing seditionists squatting on land that isn’t theirs and threatening to shoot anyone who points it out.”
Yet another social media poster riffed off 1990s-era white rapper Vanilla Ice and his most famous song, “Ice, Ice Baby,” with a tweet aimed again at mocking the rural background of the protesters: “Stop. Mobilize and listen. #VanillaISIS back w/ a brand new militia. BLM grab the land so tightly. Illegally graze my cattle nightly. #YallQaeda.”
Others commented on the seeming slow response of the federal government, when viewed in comparison with incidents in Baltimore and Ferguson involving black protesters.

“Did I miss the call for the national guard in Oregon? I recall them in Ferguson and Baltimore. #OregonUnderAttack,” tweeted one.
Another, on that same vein, as reported: “We send national guards & military to #Ferguson for protesters & watch on every network but white militia take over a federal building, nah.”
And speaking directly to an ABC News story of the matter that referenced the “peaceful protest” in Oregon, one reader mocked: “Go home @ABC, you’re drunk,” while another slammed the outlet for “the most sugar coated headline” ever.
“Stop giving us white people headlines like that,” tweeted the poster, found.

Copyright 2016 WND

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