Saturday, January 9, 2016

Trump Is Beatable But With What Result?

Establishment for Trump?

  • Jan 9, 2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
The GOP Establishment is in a tough spot. 
Their preferred candidates- Jeb Bush and 
Marco Rubio- lag far behind front-runners
 Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Ben Carson. 
With Carson fading, they may be forced to
 choose between the top two. Their choice
It is more than an open secret that the Republican Establishment so hates
Ted Cruz that they are more and more openly rooting for Donald Trump

to win Iowa.

I just got today’s Hotline from National Journal. It is behind a pay wall,

but it is worth noting their top story confirms what I have been seeing

and hearing. Josh Kraushaar writes,

It’s the $64,000 question for establishment-minded Republicans:

Would they rather see Ted Cruz or Donald Trump win the Iowa

caucuses, assuming none of the more moderate candidates prevail?

In an informal survey of senior GOP strategists, the clear winner was

Trump. Their arguments were reasoned but underscored: a) how

they’re still underestimating Trump; and b) how much they personally

hate Cruz to the point where emotion is trumping strategy.

The Establishment thinking is that if Trump beats Cruz in Iowa, they

can then beat Trump with Rubio, Bush, or Christie.
It's an interesting strategy, but will it work? 
 Source: AAN
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