Monday, February 29, 2016

Do You Agree With John Oliver?

John Oliver has the Donald Trump takedown America has been waiting for

On Sunday's Last Week Tonight, John Oliver finally took on billionaire
 Donald Trump.
"I get that the character of Donald Trump is entertaining, and that he says
 things that people want to hear," Oliver said. "And I know that his very
name is powerful."
But Oliver argued that Trump isn't what he seems. Here are some of the
qualities many supporters have listed about Trump — and Oliver's
  • "He tells it like it is": "Does he? Because the website PolitiFact 
  • checked 77 of his statements, and rated 76 percent of them as varying 
  • degrees of false."
  • "He is truly independent and not beholden to anyone": "While it 
  • is true that he hasn't taken corporate money, the implication that he
  •  has personally spent $20 to $25 million is a bit of a stretch, because
  • what he's actually done is loaned his own campaign $17.5 million 
  • and has just personally given just $250,000. And that's important, 
  • because up until the convention he can pay himself back for the loan 
  • with campaign funds."
  • "He's tough": "For a tough guy, he has incredibly thin skin. Back in 
  • 1988, Spy magazine called him a short-fingered vulgarian. And ever 
  • since, the editor Graydon Carter says he receives envelopes from 
  • Trump, always with a photo on which he circled his hand to highlight
  •  the length of his fingers, usually with a note reading, 'See, not so
  •  short!'"
  • "His success": "While yes, he has made more money than most 
  • of us will make in a lifetime, not only did he get a multi million-dollar 
  • inheritance from his father, but he's also lost a huge amount." 

    Oliver then played a clip of Trump's daughter saying, "I remember
  •  once my father and I were walking down Fifth Avenue and there 
  • was a homeless person sitting right outside of Trump Tower. And I 
  • remember my father pointing to him and saying, 'You know, that guy 
  • has $8 billion more than me.' Because he was in such extreme debt 
  • at that point."
Oliver also noted one other issue with Trump: He's wildly inconsistent.
He's been pro-choice and pro-life, for and against assault weapon bans,
 in favor of both bringing in Syrian refugees and deporting them out of
the country."
Or take Trump's inconsistent statements on former Ku Klux Klan Grand
Wizard David Duke's endorsement of Trump. To CNN, Trump said, "I
don't know anything about David Duke. Okay? I don't know anything
 about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white
Oliver was not having it, pointing to Trump's past remarks to 
journalists: "Really? That's your best answer there? Because you
definitely know who he is — partly because you called him 'a bigot'
and 'a racist' in the past."
Oliver concluded that the best way to take down Trump is to uncouple
him from his brand — his name. And it turns out that the Trump family's
name was once Drumpf. Oliver explained how this could work:
If you are thinking of voting for Donald Trump, the charismatic

guy promising to make America great again, stop

and take a moment to imagine how you would feel

if you just met a guy named Donald Drumpf, a litigious

serial liar with a string of broken business ventures

and the support of a former Klan leader who he can't

decide whether or not to condemn. Would you think

he would

make a good president, or is the spell now somewhat

"That is why tonight I am asking America to make Donald Drumpf again,"
Oliver added.
Oliver then announced the launch of the #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain and
 the, where anyone can download a
browser extension that replaces Trump's name with Drumpf.
"We cannot keep getting blinded by the magic of his name," Oliver said.
"So please, don't think of him as Donald Trump. Think of him as
something else."

Watch: Donald Trump's rise is a scary 

moment in America

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