Monday, February 29, 2016

Is GOP Leadership Suicidal

McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell  reportedly told colleagues they will drop GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump “like a hot rock.”
McConnell reassured Republican members of the upper chamber they could run negative ads against Trump if he becomes the nominee and it threatens their re-election, reports The New York Times.
Additionally, McConnell told Republican senators during the members’ weekly lunch that the potential of Trump losing to Hillary Clinton is a given and it is best to describe to voters that a Republican Senate is a necessary check to a Clinton presidency.
Senators inside the lunch said McConnell reminded them of his successful 1996 re-election campaign when he won by a wide margin during President Bill Clinton’s easy re-election bid.

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The Times also notes that McConnell and other senior Republicans have grown frustrated with Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s presence in the race, describing it as selfish.
“He’s just flailing his arms around and having a wonderful time going around the country, and it just drives me up the wall,” one GOP senator told the Times of Kasich, a former member of the House.

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