Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Another Day, Another Lie. The Life Of Hillary Clinton

Betsy McCaughey: Hillary Beat Sanders With 'Poisonous Lies' to Blacks

By Todd Beamon   |   Tuesday, 01 Mar 2016 11:06 PM
Hillary Clinton trounced Democratic rival Bernie Sanders across the South on Super Tuesday by winning the African-American vote with a campaign of "poisonous lies that were designed to foment racial tensions," former New York Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey told Newsmax TV.
"Hillary Clinton crushed Bernie Sanders in all the Southern states, with actually a 2-to-1 victory in every one of those states," McCaughey told host J.D. Hayworth in an interview on Newsmax TV's Super Tuesday coverage. "She did it by winning almost all of the black vote."
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"But here's the hitch: she did it with poisonous lies that were designed to foment racial tensions," McCaughey said. "She told blacks all across America that they are the victims of discrimination, systemic racism.
"She blamed poverty and incarceration on deliberate racism — and this unsubstantiated and untrue charge is making her campaign really a campaign of hate, a campaign against whites.

"A war on whites."
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