Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Screws Are Turning On Hillary. Is There A Trend Here? Is There Something Going On In Washington To Remove Her From The Campaign?


Former Obama Intel Chief Calls on Hillary to Do the One Thing She Dreads

Former Defense Intelligence Agency chief Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn told CNN’s Jake Tapper that for the sake of the nation, Hillary Clinton should “step down.” He recommended that she suspended her campaign at least until the FBI investigation into the use of her private email server has concluded.
Flynn surmised that if he had done what Clinton has done with regard to classified email, “I would have been out the door and probably in jail.”
The FBI investigation has been ongoing for several months and as the release of each new batch of emails, the number of those found to have contained classified information continues to grow. Currently, there are at least 22 emails that contain information so sensitive that even heavily redacted versions cannot be released.
Tapper noted that Clinton and her supporters claim that this is an issue of overclassification.
Flynn responded, “She should know better. This overclassification excuse is not an excuse. If it’s classified, it’s classified.”
“In all 50 states, we have Islamic State cases ongoing — and I know the FBI is just overwhelmed with white collar crime, child pornography cases, transnational organized criminal cases. And now we have to put another 100 agents on this case of Hillary Clinton,” he said.
“If she were to step down and the nation would allow itself to back down a little bit, and let this investigation run its course with her not in the limelight and making this such a big, big deal, I really do believe that the severity and the number of resources that are applied — despite what the outcome is,” he said

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