Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Does Bernie Know Something We Don't? Could He Know That Hillary Will NOT Be The Candidate? He Sure Is Making Hillary Nervous In California

Clinton and allies step up California efforts as primary draws near

Seema Mehta
Hillary Clinton’s campaign had once hoped the California primary could be a
coronation for the former secretary of State, the last major stop en route to
claiming the Democratic presidential nomination.
Instead, it has turned into a dogfight with Bernie Sanders, who has been
campaigning nonstop through the state. With at least one public poll showing
 the race now a tie, the Clinton campaign has decided to step up her appearances
in the state.
“It’s going to be closer than we thought,” said former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, a longtime Clinton backer, adding that he ultimately expected
 her to win the state.
“Hillary’s going to be the nominee, but California’s the big prize, and obviously
 she’d like to go into the convention with a win in California,” he said.

Clinton does not need to win California to clinch the nomination. She now
 has 2,310 delegates to this summer’s nominating convention, according to the
 latest count, and needs only 73 more for a majority. She is expected to win a
significant majority of Puerto Rico’s 67 delegates in its primary on Sunday.
By the time California and five other states vote on June 7, Clinton will need
only a few of the 694 pledged delegates up for grabs that day.
Despite all that, a loss in this enormous, diverse, overwhelmingly Democratic
 state would be an ugly stain in the lead-up to the party’s convention in July in Philadelphia.

“She’s going to be able to give an important victory speech on Tuesday as the
presumptive nominee, and it’s clearly more appealing to do that when the
 chyron at the bottom of the [television] screen is reading that Clinton is the
projected winner of California,” said Dan Newman, a veteran Democratic
operative whose San Francisco-based firm is aiding Clinton’s campaign in the state.
“California is important because it’s California. It’s big, it’s overwhelmingly
Democratic, and she’s the nominee regardless, but it would send her into the
general election with an extra head of steam to win California. It’s certainly
not do or die, but it’s always preferable to win everywhere.”

And Clinton, despite her
significant lead over Sanders
in the popular vote and in the
delegate tally, has not won
everywhere. The Vermont
senator has racked up 20 wins,
compared with her 26, and he
has taken three of the last five
Clinton was widely expected to win California this year by about 8 percentage
points, the same margin by which she beat then-Sen. Barack Obama in the
2008 primary. She and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, have
forged strong ties to the state’s Democrats during their decades in public life. 
“California has been uncommonly good to my family,” Bill Clinton told more
than 1,000 people in a courtyard at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College in
April when he campaigned for his wife here.
The state, where the couple first lived together as boyfriend and girlfriend in
the early 1970s, has provided support, solace and tens of millions of dollars in
campaign cash for the family's pursuits.
Bill Clinton clinched his 1992 Democratic nomination in California, over now-
Gov. Jerry Brown. Hillary Clinton’s victory here in 2008 provided momentum
she sorely needed that allowed her to continue her ultimately unsuccessful bid.
But Sanders has not let up here, holding rallies that draw thousands of ardent
supporters as he barnstormed California in recent days.
“California is the big enchilada, so to speak,” Sanders said on NBC’s “Meet the
Press” on Sunday. “Obviously, if we don’t do well in California, it will make
our path much, much harder. No question about it.’
Sanders’ aggressive approach to campaigning in the state has clearly helped
 him, said veteran Democratic operative Garry South, who is not working for
 either campaign.
“He’s campaigning in California like he was running in Iowa,” South said. Most presidential candidates “fly in, do a rally and go to Beverly Hills to do a fundraiser
 and then they leave.”
Clinton’s campaign and her supporters have responded. The candidate purchased
 at least $1 million of ad time last week, reversing a pattern of not spending money
 on ads in the final primaries.
Her allies have also announced plans to advertise to support her bid, albeit on
 a relatively small scale. The American Federation of Teachers was the latest
backer to announce such a plan Monday.
And Clinton’s campaign announced Monday that she plans to return to the
state on Thursday, earlier than expected, and will campaign here through the
eve of the primary.
A spokesman for Clinton’s campaign said her efforts are aimed at showing as
much support as possible from Democratic voters.
“Hillary Clinton has fought for every vote since the start of the primaries, and
she's going to continue that until the end, no matter how far ahead we are in
delegates,” Jesse Ferguson said.
“Our grass-roots campaign is built on ambitious organizing efforts especially
 in California's diverse communities and fueled by her commitment to meet
directly with as many voters as possible.”

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