Monday, May 16, 2016

You May Not Like Trump, But You Have To Respect His "No Holds Barred" Approach To Taking On Opponents

Trump Takes on Wacky Warren

  • 05/16/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
11 4 4  41
Liberals everywhere are totally freaked out about Donald Trump's presidential 
nomination. Since liberals first instinct is to find an authority figure to explain
 it all to them, they've sought out nutty Senator Elizabeth Warren. who's taken 
to bashing Donald Trump. Trump, an avid user of social media, is probably as 
sick and tired of seeing Elizabeth Warren on his Facebook feed as the rest of 
us, so this week he fired back:
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is not reining

in his attacks against Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). When New York

Times columnist Maureen Dowd asked Trump if “he had been chided by

any Republicans” for his Twitter war with the Democratic senator, the

presumptive nominee said, “You mean Pocahontas?” Trump earlier this

week fired off insults on Twitter, calling the senator “Goofy Elizabeth


In March, Trump attacked Warren for saying she was part Native American

while a professor at Harvard. 

“You mean the Indian?” Trump said then when asked about Warren.  
Trump's response is indicative of a new way of doing things on the right. 
For better or worse, he's not interested in winning rigged policy fights with 
people who, for decades, accused Republicans of things like 1) throwing 
grandparents out in the cold 2) hating the poor, and 3) wanting children to
 starve. In the past, Republicans offered the sort of tepid, lukewarm 
responses that lent credibility to those notions. In writing Warren off
 as "Pocahontas," Trump is treating her ideology with the total lack of
 respect it deserves.
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