Saturday, June 4, 2016

Bush Father And Son Should Suck It Up

Huckabee: Bushes Should Do This If They Won’t Back Trump as Nominee


May 23rd, 2016
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee recently slammed former Presidents George H.W. Bush and his son, George W., for not endorsing Donald Trump as the GOP nominee. Huckabee said that if they can’t support the GOP nominee they should get out of the party.
Here’s what he told Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” co-host Bill Hemmer as reported by Newsmax:
“When we nominated various people over the past several election cycles to be president, there were many of us who had heartburn. But we sucked it up and went out there and vigorously supported our nominee. If they are not going to support the people the Republicans nominated, they need to get out of the Republican Party and admit they are not Republican or be honest and say I only want it when I get my way.”
Huckabee said he supported both Bushes for president, even though he had misgivings about them, and when Hemmer noted the Bush family would argue Trump isn’t a conservative, Huckabee pointed out that Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton isn’t one either.
Anything that doesn’t help Trump helps Hillary. They could say I will support the Republican nominee and that means I won’t say anything bad and I’ll stay out of it. That I get. But I think it’s problematic if they indicate they won’t even vote for the person the party nominates. That’s a problem.” 
Huckabee hits the nail on the head. Most grass-roots conservatives sucked it up, held their noses and voted for less-than-conservative candidates such as George H.W. Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney. But now that the GOP nominee isn’t someone people in the establishment (like the Bushes) support, they’ll take their political ball and go home.
This leads us to believe that the Republican establishment only cares about political power instead of party unity – and defeating Hillary Clinton.
Do you agree with Mike Huckabee that the Bushes should leave the GOP if they can’t (or won’t) support Trump as the presidential nominee?

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