Saturday, June 4, 2016

Is ObamaCrapCare Nearing Its End? How Long Can It Continue With Massive Rate Increases And Insurance Companies Pulling Out?

Texas Health Care Costs Skyrocket 60% in 2017: Obamacare At “Unaffordable Levels For Everyone”

Melissa Dykes
June 3rd, 2016
The Daily Sheeple
Comments (40)
Read by 1,108 people

This article was written by Melissa Dykes and originally published at The Daily Sheeple.
Editor’s Comment: A perfect storm of unconstitutional mandates are coming together, as it becomes increasingly clear that funding for Obamacare – out of the pockets of American taxpayers at gunpoint – is actually a heist that is taking place on official seal and under the pretenses of authority and legality. Such is the modern state of organized crime.
Who is going to be able to pay 60% increases in health care costs? Where is this money really going to, and how much do they intend to squeeze out of the average person before this is all over?
Blue Cross Blue Shield Requests Whopping 60% Rate Hike in 2017 Thanks to Obamacare
by Melissa Dykes
If you like your healthcare provider you can keep your healthcare provider… provided you pay a whopping 60% rate hike starting next year.
The Houston Chronicle is reporting that Blue Cross Blue Shield has requested a 60% rate increase in 2017 in Texas following complaints from the company that it is “losing money in the federal health exchanges because some customers have proven more costly to cover than anticipated.”
In other words, the cost of insuring people under the so-called “Affordable” Care Act is going to force prices to skyrocket to potentially unaffordable levels for everyone.
According to filings listed on, Blue Cross and Blue Shield seeks increases between 57.33 percent and 59.35 percent for two of its Blue Advantage Plus plans. A Blue Advantage Health Maintenance Organization Plan is asking for a 58.6 percent hike…
In a country where the cost of living is going up on virtually all fronts but wages and jobs are not increasing, exactly who is going to be able to afford this insane rate hike? And that’s just to pay for the insurance in case you get sick…
According to the report, it is unclear what will happen if the rate hike request is not granted. When the same company requested a 51% increase in rates in New Mexico last year and the request was denied, the company simply withdrew all healthcare plans from the entire state.
It’s a domino effect. Obamacare is imploding the nation’s health care system.
Insurers across the nation, including Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, have complained vigorously that they are losing money in the federal exchanges as some customers have proven more costly to cover than anticipated.
Blue Cross Blue Shield isn’t the only company that has been reporting large profit losses due to Obamacare. UnitedHealthcare has reported losses of $650 million. Humana reported a 46% loss in the first quarter of 2016 alone.
As more and more private health insurance companies complain of profit losses and pull out of states who refuse to hike rates to unaffordable levels, it is highly likely the situation will become unsustainable and ultimately used as an excuse for the government to take control over all healthcare, moving the US to a national system just like in the UK or Canada.
In fact, this is exactly what Senator Harry Reid said that Obamacare was a step towards when it was first rolled out: a single-payer national health care system. Now we’re watching it happen.
But look at the way our servicemen and women who go to the VA in this country are treated. They die waiting in two-year-long lines to receive care. It’s so bad, one Navy vet recently set himself on fire in front of a VA in protest.
Considering our government can’t even make a noodle salad efficiently, the crash and burn of Obamacare as a problem-reaction-solution forcing us onto a single-payer national system could be a nightmare for anyone who depends on America’s already broken health care system for their health.

Melissa Dykes is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheeple and a co-creator of Truthstream Media with Aaron Dykes, a site that offers teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we find ourselves living in. Melissa also co-foundedNutritional Anarchy with Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper, a site focused on resistance through food self-sufficiency. Wake the flock up!

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