Monday, June 13, 2016

If Orlando Shooter Had Used A Car And Mowed Down 50 People Would Sanders Had Called For A Ban Of Cars? If He Had Used A Knife--A Ban On Knives? Heck No! It's About The Perp Not His Weapon Of Choice

Sanders Calls for Ban on Sale of Automatic Weapons

Image: Sanders Calls for Ban on Sale of Automatic Weapons (Getty Images)
By Brian Freeman   |   Sunday, 12 Jun 2016 04:57 PM
Democratic presidential candidate Berne Sanders called for an automatic weapons ban when asked for a reaction to the Orlando gay nightclub shooting.

After calling the shooting horrific and unthinkable, Sanders told NBC's "Meet The Press" that "for 25 years now, I've believed that we should not be selling automatic weapons which are designed to kill people, and we've got to do everything we can on top of that to make sure that guns do not fall into the hands of people who should not have them. Criminals and people who are mentally ill, so that struggle continues."
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When asked by host Chuck Todd if it is possible to have a conversation about terrorism and guns without politicization, Sanders said, "I do, Chuck. Because I think that there is a very broad consensus in this country, not a hundred percent of the people, overwhelming majority of gun owners and non-gun owners understand that we have got to do everything we can to prevent guns from falling into the hands of people who should not have them. That means expanding the instant background check. It means doing away with the gun show loophole. It means addressing the strawman provision. I think there is a wide consensus to move forward in that direction."

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