Monday, June 13, 2016

Trump Is Absolutely Correct. Our Leaders Are Feckless, Incompetent And Politically Correct. We WILL Be Attacked More. Heck ISIS Said They Were Going To Attack During Ramadan. Is No One Listening To Them?

Trump on Orlando: US in 'Absolute War,' 'Only Going to Get Worse'

(Fox News)
By Mark Swanson   |   Monday, 13 Jun 2016 09:45 AM
Renewing his call to ban Syrians from coming into the country, Donald Trump told Fox News' "Fox and Friends" that the U.S. is in an "absolute war" because we "don't know who it is or where they're coming from."

Trump was responding to the mass shooting in Orlando, where gunman Omar Mateen took the lives of at 49 people at a gay nightclub early Sunday morning.

"There's nothing like what's going on right now," Trump said. "We don't know who they are. It's absolute war, but we don't have uniforms, we don't know who it is or where they're coming from . . . And as a country we don't do anything about it. And we're going to get smart. It's only going to get worse."

Trump is retooling his speech today in Manchester, New Hampshire, to focus on terrorism, where he is expected to renew his call to shut down the borders, especially to Syrians.
"No more Syrians coming in, we don't know who they are," Trump told Fox News. "We don't have paperwork. This could be the all-time great Trojan horse. I used to say it with a smile, maybe is it possible at the very early stages, and the more you're thinking, a thing like that could never happen. I'm starting to think it could happen. We're allowing people to come into our country that are no different than this maniac . . . that just did this to us yesterday."

On NBC's "Today" show, Trump was asked why he doesn't support a ban on assault weapons as did Hillary Clinton earlier on the show.

"I wouldn't because people need protection," Trump told NBC. "The bad guys will have the assault rifles. And the people trying to protect themselves will be standing there with a BB gun. She doesn't understand the issue. She's weak." ​

Trump reiterated that stance on ABC's "Good Morning America."

"When [President Barack] Obama mentioned (gun control) yesterday, it was so inappropriate. That was not the problem," Trump told GMA. "The problem was that we have a maniac. He could have used a bomb, he could have used other things just as easily, and would have been, probably, even more devastating."​

Trump told "Fox and Friends" that identification is a continuing problem.

"And you know, as far as passports are concerned as you know, ISIS took over our passport machines, they make passports now better than we do," Trump said.

Trump, while not overly critical of the FBI for its handling of Mateen from 2013 and 2014, said that "certainly, this does not make them look good."

But Trump saved most of his criticism for Obama and Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee.

On Obama. he said "He doesn't get it or he gets it better than anybody understands. It's one or the other. And either one is unacceptable, number one, and number two, calling on another gun ban, I mean, this man has no clue."

"First of all, the shooter was licensed. So he went through all the procedures, he was fully licensed to have a gun. So he would have passed the test that the president would have thrown up there. It's so ridiculous. "

He then continued with bashing Clinton.

"She's a weak person. She's weak on so many different levels . . . And she is not the right person, especially in these times. But you need, you need something so much different than her. She's just following (Obama's) exact line, she won't utter the words either, 'radical Islam.'"

And it's on that front that the country has to be stronger in investigating within, and that Muslims have to report the bad seeds within the Muslim community.

"We have to be very strong in terms of looking at the mosques," Trump said. "You know, which a lot of people say, 'Oh, we don't want to do that.' We're beyond that. That man yesterday was sick with hate. Many, many people, thousands of people already in our country that are sick with hate.

"If [other Muslims] don't turn him in, we are never going to be able to get along, it's going to be an impossible situation," Trump told Fox News.
Trump deflected criticism about his weekend tweet that he was right about terrorism.

"I'm getting thousands of letters and tweets that I was right about the whole situation," Trump said. "I've been right about a lot of things, frankly, I was right about take the oil, I was right about many, many things. Did you see last week on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, they're going to start a terrorism division, and it's because of me."

Trump patted himself on the back again on CNN's "New Day."

"I've been a pretty good prognosticator as to what's going to be happening,"​ he said.
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