Thursday, June 16, 2016

Sotomayor Says That It's OK To Use Your Life Experiences To Judge Cases. Law Doesn't Count. It's What You Feel. Trump Was Right, Judge Is Biased.

REVEALED – Justice Sotomayor BOMBSHELL Surfaces, Trump Was Right About ‘Trump U’ Judge!

Trump has been under fire ever since he called out the judge in his Trump University case, but this report recently resurfaced to arm him to the teeth in his claim.
Sonia Sotomayor, a Supreme Court Justice, in 2001 gave a speech stating, “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,” according to the New York Times.
So, is Trump a racist or is this judge biased based on his heritage? Based on what we know about Trump, the only true answer is the judge will be biased based on his heritage. After all, that came right out of the mouth of a sitting Supreme Court Justice!
Based on her speech, she is actually recommending using his heritage to render his judgement on cases!
And here I thought judges put everything aside and judged cases on their merits!

I would have to ask how she ever made it through the Senate with something like this hanging over her head.
This one statement shows blatant bias by a now sitting Justice!
In our legal system, there is no room for “understanding” something based on the race of the person.
Our system dictates our laws decide cases, period.
This statement by Sotomayor not only shows bias, it is blatantly racist!
She is making as assumption white males are incapable of judging specific situations fairly merely based on the fact they are white males!!
This is not only damning for the judge in the Trump University case, it is, at least in my opinion, grounds for the impeachment of Sotomayor!
Patriots, our Senators disappointed us by letting her slip through, now it is up to us to expose this racist Supreme Court Justice and demand she be impeached!

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