Thursday, June 16, 2016

Senators Like Manchin Should Be Given A Civic Lesson On American's Rights. Or Better Yet, Let's Have Him Arrested For Impersonating A Senator And See How Quickly He Asks For His Rights!

INSANE: Democratic Senator Calls

 for Suspension of Due Process 

to Enact Gun Control

  • 06/16/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
65 17 2  658
Special: (2016) Banks Feel Cheated When Homeowners Take Advantage of This!
We had to see it to believe it. Today on Morning Joe, Democratic Senator
 Joe Manchin of West Virginia lamented due process protections that allow
 people to purchase guns to defend themselves.

What Manchin is saying here is that there is something wrong with the fact
 that someone who has not committed a crime of any sort is allowed to 
purchase a gun. The Weekly Standard's Shosanna Weissman reached 
out to Cato Institute constitutional scholar to get to the bottom of Manchin's 
With all due respect, due process is the essential basis of America.

The Constitution was established to "secure the blessings of liberty"—that's

the whole purpose of our government—and that government can't deny

us our life, liberty, or property without due process of law. If the

government wants to deny someone's liberty, it better have an awfully

good reason and it better be ready to defend itself in court immediately—

akin to what happens when someone is arrested or involuntarily committed.

Otherwise, we'd live in a world where perhaps there's less crime, but

also life isn't worth living. Senator Manchin may want to live in a police

state, but few of us would want to join him there.
It's long past time that someone informed Senator Manchin and his 
friends in the Democratic Party that 1984 is a horror story about
 government, not an instruction manual.


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