Thursday, July 7, 2016

If Hillary Is NOT Punished, It Will Be The End Of Rule Of Law. Tyranny Will Become Rampant

Palin Calls For Resistance To Tyranny After FBI’s Clinton Decision


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After FBI Director James Comey’s announcement Tuesday wherein he stated he will not recommend that charges be brought against President Obama’s former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, former governor of Alaska Sarah Palin voiced her rage and called on all American’s to unite against this corruption.
Palin accused oligarchical rule favored Clinton. She described Comey’s decision as, “Ironic, tragic, but not unexpected.” She continued, “amidst America’s Independence Day celebrations the Ruling Class put another boot on our neck to snuff liberty’s life out of We the People.”
The former governor used Obama’s words against him, quoting an interview with Fox News Channel’s Chris Wallace where the president said “no one is above the law.”

“It’s a farce that ‘no one is above the law’ and my heart goes out to all who’ve been unjustly accused and destroyed over much lesser crimes than Hillary’s,” she wrote.
The Donald Trump advocate called on Americans to become more involved than ever in the political process.
Now is the time to “infiltrate and influence” and to “take a stand against the left,” Palin wrote.

She also said the ruling comes as no surprise, considering how those in power have continually disregarded the law of the land. She noted IRS director Louis Lerner who never faced criminal charges for her involvement in allegedly targeting conservative leaning groups.
“Letting Hillary skate today is no surprise when the team she’s on has celebrated its administrators pleading the fifth, over and over again, sending messages to America that they’re all above the law,” Palin wrote.
“They’ve all told Congress to kiss off, and Congress kissed off,” she added.
Palin used strong language against the current power structure, calling it a “tyrannical system.”

“Today’s FBI forgiveness of tyrants’ illegal acts illustrate purpose in why I insist Americans rise up and tear down this tyrannical system that is destroying America from within,” she said.
In light of the upcoming presidential election, with Clinton almost certainly the Democrat nominee, Palin turned her attention to those in the GOP who still do not support presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump: “Message to all the ‘Republican’ elites throwing in for Hillary, boasting they’ll stay home instead of vote because their particular weakened good ol’ boy is not the GOP nominee (the R.A.T.s suffering chappedass because their power and purse are threatened by the grassroots movement to destroy their failed politics-as-usual), Hillary thanks you. She knows she can’t win without you.”

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