Thursday, July 7, 2016

Will Racketeering Charges Be Brought Against Hillary Or Is This Another False Flag?

JUST IN: Hillary Clinton Indicted By The FBI … Charges She Never Saw Coming!

Things are starting to unravel at an extremely fast pace in regards to Hillary Clinton. Hillary and Bill have more problems than they can possibly imagine. Not only is Hillary being investigates but the FBI for her email/Benghazi scandal, but it’s not being reported that the Clinton will in fact be indicted by the FBI and that this is a sure thing.
In addition, the interesting part is that the article was published on the Huffington Post website, but then magically disappeared, likely because one of the leftist editors spotted it and deleted it, but not before it was captured in databases.
From Inquisitr:
Hillary Clinton and husband Bill Clinton will be the targets of racketeering charges soon to be brought by the FBI, according to a report from Huffington Post. That article was initially provided at this link. It has since been removed from their site, but is available in its entirety on the Global Research site. The report indicates that FBI Director James Comey will soon present a recommendation to Loretta Lynch, Attorney General of the Department of Justice that formal charges be brought against The Clinton Foundation. Charges that are included in the recommendation include one alleging the following.
“The Clinton Foundation is an ongoing criminal enterprise engaged in money laundering and soliciting bribes in exchange for political, policy and legislative favors to individuals, corporations and even governments both foreign and domestic.”
This puts Hillary and Bill Clinton in violation of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) whose intent is to prevent organized crime. Among activities that may be classified as racketeering are bribery, counterfeiting, money laundering, embezzlement, illegal gambling, kidnapping, murder, drug trafficking, and slavery. The FBI reportedly has evidence of Hillary and Bill Clinton engaging in bribery and money laundering in exchange for political, policy, and legislative favors for individuals as well as both foreign and domestic corporations and governments.
It’s truly unbelievable how someone with a record like Hillary Clinton can still be in politics, let alone a democratic candidate. It is unreal!

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