Sunday, October 30, 2016

Clinton Network News Earns Its Reputation!

REPORT: Another Lamestream Media

 Network Caught Coordinating with the


17 15 2  42
Melania Trump Get's Caught, Angers Donald. You'll Never Guess What She Did!
For the second time this election cycle, WikiLeaks has exposed the close 
relationship between Hillary Clinton’s campaign and CNN.

Clinton’s chief strategist Joel Benenson forwarded an email in February 
2015 titled “Heads up – between us” to multiple Clinton aides and staffers.
 The recipients included campaign manager Robby Mook, campaign
 chairman John Podesta, and top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

Benenson wrote that the email he was forwarding was “From a CNN 
source of mine.” The email from the CNN source, who is unidentified,
 said: “Hey Joel – Hope all is great with you. I think you are going to 
enjoy a poll we have releasing tomorrow morning at 6:00 am ET that
 asks about 2016ers and whether they are perceived as candidates of
 the past or candidates of the future. Some interesting findings. . .”

The poll showed that more than any other candidate Hillary Clinton was 
associated with the future. A previous release from WikiLeaks showed 
that current Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazille, 
while employed as a CNN contributor, leaked a question from a 
Democratic primary town hall to the Clinton campaign.


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