Sunday, October 30, 2016

ObamaCrapCare Will Haunt Us For Years. It Definitely Is One Of The Worst Pieces Of Legislation Ever Passed.

Obamacare woes to linger long after Obama is gone

Trump makes Obamacare hikes centerpiece of stump speech
Trump makes Obamacare hikes centerpiece of stump speech 03:52

Story highlights

  • Clinton and Trump to inherit intractable health care issue
  • Clinton would try to fix Obamacare, Trump wants to repeal and replace
(CNN)President Barack Obama
 leaves the White House in 12 weeks,
 but the law that bears his name will
polarize politics long after he's gone.
Big price hikes to Affordable Care
Act premiums announced this week
 mean that Obama's proudest legislative
 achievement will fail to resolve the
decades-old controversy surrounding
the government's role in managing the cost of and access to health care.
    It will fall to the next administration whether to fix Obamacare's
    shortcomings -- including rising premiums and deductibles, slowing
    enrollment growth and the increasing number of insurers pulling out of
    the ACA marketplaces -- or to trash the system and start again. Neither
    Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump have laid out a detailed plan for how
    they would revise or replace the law or how they would navigate the toxic
     politics that surface in Washington whenever health care is on the agenda.
    Trump has proven better at condemning Obamacare -- his stump speech
    includes vows to repeal and replace it -- than saying how he would tackle
     the crisis over access and cost. He hasn't made health reform a
     centerpiece of his campaign.
    "My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk
    getting rid of this disastrous law and replacing it with reforms that expand
     choice, freedom and affordability," Trump said Tuesday in Florida. "Hillary
     Clinton wants to double down on Obamacare and make it even worse.
    She wants to put the government totally in charge of your health care."
    Still, Clinton has been far more up front about what she would try to
    "The President and I have talked about it," Clinton told WHCQ Radio
    in Florida on Tuesday. "We're going to get copays and premiums and
    deductibles down. We're going to tackle prescription drug costs. And
    we can do that without ripping away the insurance that people now have."
    Clinton's campaign said she would increase competition among insurers
     to improve choices for Obamacare customers, including a public option,
    and would take on pharmaceutical companies over rising drug prices
    and provide tax relief for out of pocket expenses. Her plan also includes
     incentives for states to expand Medicaid. Plans previously published by
     her campaign include pledges to tackle diseases like Alzheimer's and
     autism, substance abuse and Zika and aims to improve public and rural
     health infrastructure.

    Political minefield

    The former first lady and New York senator has been working in the
    political minefield of health care for decades -- dating back to her failed
     effort during her husband's administration in the 1990s.
    But her broad knowledge of possible
     approaches will not help her solve
     the fundamental political problem
    surrounding Obamacare: any
    legislative fix to the law will require
    some level of support from Congress.
     And unless she is able to whip up a
    Democratic wave sufficient to claim
     back the GOP-dominated House,
    the political fight over rescuing Obamacare will be fierce.
    Republicans in the House who have voted over 50 times to repeal the law
     aren't likely to line up to save it. And even some Democratic senators from
    red states up for re-election in a brutal 2018 mid-term election slate may
    shy away from tough votes to prolong the law.
    Trump does have a position paper on the issue, in which he promises to
    repeal the individual mandate, modify laws that prohibit the sale of health
    insurance across state lines and allow people to deduct insurance
    premiums from their tax returns.
    Trump would promote individual Health Savings Accounts with tax free
    contributions and would allow patients access to imported drugs from
    overseas to bring down prices.
    But he offers few insights into how he would take on and defeat the huge
     vested health care interests that are a powerful influence on Washington
     politics or how he would overcome resistance to some aspects of his
    plans from his own party.
    Rep. Chris Collins, a New York Republican, told CNN's Wolf Blitzer
    Tuesday that he believes Trump would adopt the health care plan drawn
    up by House Speaker Paul Ryan's Republican conference.
    "It is my understanding that Mr. Trump has seen that plan and what he
     is talking about ... is in fact a better way, a replacement plan," Collins said.

    2016 fallout

    The Obamacare price hikes -- the government said Monday premiums
     for the benchmark plan are set to rise an average of 22% next year --
     are a surprise twist in the final stretch of a campaign that had seemed
    to settle down in recent days. Trump was quick to seize on the issue,
    suggesting he believes it's something he can use to throw Clinton, who
    is leading most polls, on the defense.
    "It's blowing up all over the country," Trump told reporters Tuesday at his
    golf resort in Doral, Florida, vowing to repeal and replace Obamacare
    with something less expensive.
    The rising premiums could also provide a boost for Republican Senate
    candidates who are struggling to overcome opposition to Trump in their
     states. The National Republican Senatorial Committee released a
     video of Katie McGinty, a Pennsylvania Democrat who is locked in a
     tight race with incumbent Republican Pat Toomey, in which she said
     Democrats should be "proud of" Obamacare.
    "Is Shady Katie still proud of Obamacare?" the NRSC released asked.
    Iowa Republican Party chairman Jeff Kaufmann said in a statement that
     Democrat Patty Judge, who is seeking to unseat GOP Sen. Chuck
    Grassley, "cheers and hollers for the Obamacare disaster."
    That is a message likely to be
    adopted in other Senate races
     that could decide control of the
    chamber, including Sen. Kelly
     Ayotte's uphill re-election battle
     in New Hampshire and Sen.
    Richard Burr's tough fight in North
    Higher premium hikes in states
     such as Florida -- a vital battleground where Clinton and Trump campaigned
     on Tuesday -- and Colorado could also shape the political narrative in the
    run-up to election day.
    And Clinton's push into Arizona, a red state that Democrats believe they
    can pluck from Trump on Election Day, is now facing a new obstacle
     following news that Obamacare premiums could rise 116%.
    But there is no guarantee Obamacare's new problems will necessarily be
     a slam dunk for Republicans. A CNN/ORC poll published Monday showed
     that health care was only the fifth most important issue motivating voters
     this year, behind other concerns including the economy, immigration,
    foreign policy and terrorism.
    Another factor that could diminish the impact of the latest Obamacare
     travails is the unconventional nature of this election, which at this late
    stage seems to be turning far more on Trump's personality and
     temperament than a detailed discussion of policy issues.
    Perhaps the biggest hurdle to Obamacare's latest woes swaying the
     election is the tight calendar -- the election is just 13 days away. Millions
    of voters have already made up their mind about Trump and Clinton and
    cast early ballots.
    Former White House press secretary Jay Carney, who spent long hours
    defending Obamacare from the briefing room, admitted the law was not
     as popular as the president would like it to be. But he said voters would
    give Clinton credit for trying to repair it.
    "Is it something .... that's going to change the election? No, it's not," Carney
     said on CNN's "New Day" on Tuesday. "Remember, the opportunity
    Republicans had to use Obamacare against the Democrats and win the
    White House was in 2012. Mitt Romney, a far more credible candidate
    for president of the United States from the Republican Party, you know,
     beat us hard over the head with Obamacare."
    "And guess what," Carney continued. "The American people re-elected
    President Obama."

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