Friday, October 14, 2016

Dems And Libs Ignore Anything Their Own Do But Condemn The Same Behavior Of The Opposition! Such Frauds

Selective and phony moral outrage

So criminal politicians who regularly vote to steal more money from the people and launder it through government to themselves or their crony benefactors are upset that Donald Trump used foul language and boasted in a conversation he thought private that because he was rich and had star power that women allowed him to grope them.
So criminal politicians, mainstream journalists and entertainers who regularly use foul language are upset that Trump uses foul language.
So criminal politicians and entertainers who use their power, prestige and wealth to engage in sexual immorality and cover for their cohorts who engage in sexual immorality are upset that Donald Trump boasted 11 years ago that he was a philanderer who used his position of power and prestige to have sex with women.
So criminal politicians who vote for or allow policies and military tactics that result in the death of millions of people – including innocent women and children — in Middle Eastern and African nations are upset that Donald Trump used foul language and boasted of groping and kissing women.
So criminal politicians and leftist “do-gooders” who advocate for allowing men who suddenly decide they want to be a woman and use the women’s restroom are upset that Trump may  have barged into the women’s dressing room during a beauty pageant.
So leftist “do-gooders” and Hollywood elites and entertainers who advocate for and actively promote through television, movies, music and literature all types of sexual immorality are upset that Trump boasted on an 11-year-old video tape in a conversation that he thought was private that he ogles and fondles women.
So leftist “do-gooders,” political hacks and mainstream journalists who ignored, minimized or denigrated Bill Clinton’s rape and sexual assault victims suddenly give voice to women who claim only days before an election that Trump sexually assaulted them years ago.
So leftist “do-gooders,” political hacks and mainstream journalists who ignored, minimized or justified Bill Clinton’s numerous sexual assaults on women think Trump should step down  because some women, days before an election, suddenly recall that Trump sexually assaulted them years ago.
So leftist “do-gooders,” criminal politicians, political hacks and mainstream journalists who thought Bill Clinton’s “sex life” should remain private and not be part of the political conversation think Trump’s sex life should be front and center of the political conversation and he should step down because he has had multiple wives and mistresses and uses foul language in boasting that he used his power and prestige to obtain women.
So immoral leftist “do-gooders,” atheists, political hacks and mainstream journalists who regularly belittle, denigrate and dismiss Christians who bemoan the decline of the country’s morality are upset that Trump used foul language and boasted that his power and prestige allows him to find women who will let him grope and kiss them.
So immoral leftist “do-gooders,” political hacks, criminal establishment politicians – most especially Hillary Clinton, Paul Ryan, John McCain, Marco Rubio – and mainstream journalists who advocate for open borders and immigration policies that allow criminal aliens in the country who have been linked to some 70,000 criminal sexual assaults are suddenly upset that Trump, in the last days of an election, is accused by women of assaulting them several years ago.
So sexually immoral Hillary Clinton, who it has been widely reported regularly curses staff, secret service and anyone who happens to be in her path when she gets angry and who spent many  years enabling and covering for her serial rapist husband’s sexual misconduct, is suddenly upset that Trump uses foul language and has boasted that he used his power and prestige to go after women.
Thinking Americans can see straight through this selective and phony moral outrage.

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