Friday, October 14, 2016

Heck, Even Chelsea Doesn't Trust Her Parents

Pay for Play Bombshell Rocks 


9 2 1  16
Melania Trump Get's Caught, Angers Donald. You'll Never Guess What She Did!
An independent “governance review” conducted by a prominent law firm 
that specializes in philanthropic issues concluded in December 2010 that 
the Clinton Foundation had a weak, rubber stamp board of directors and
 that many of its donors had “an expectation of a quid pro quo benefits in
 return for gifts.”

The blistering review —  made public Thursday by WikiLeaks — described 
a tax-exempt public foundation with none of the independent oversight 
required under federal charity law. The Clinton Foundation reported $187
 million in net assets in 2011.

The decision to conduct the review was bitterly opposed by Bill Clinton’s 
long-time friends and political advisers. 

The review was conducted by the New York law firm of Simpson Thacher
 and was requested by Chelsea Clinton who had profound misgivings about
 the operation of her parent’s foundation. Leading the review was Victoria
 Bjorklund, one of the nation’s top-ranked legal experts on good- governance
 practices for foundations and charities. She came out of retirement to lead
 the review.


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