Monday, October 31, 2016

Will US Become A Third World Banana Republic

This election gets even more entertaining with each day.  Friday, FBI's Comey announces that new emails were found on Huma Abedin and the prevert Weiner's computer.  Today, the White House says that the Director was within his rights. Yes, the Obama administration just threw Hillary under the bus. What does that mean?

We believe Obama is trying to set up a Constitutional crisis. It is obvious that the President believes Hillary will win but wants to deny her the office. Will he go as far as having Attorney General Loretta Lynch bring charges against her after the election? Will he then say that he will stay on until this "crisis" passes?  We think that is a distinct possibility.

Yes, that might be conspiratorial but as we have stated many times, we don't trust Obama or his crew and anything is possible.

Whatever happens, this election is very different from anyone before.  It is fun to watch but sad to see how far this nation has declined which is the real issue. Should Obama fulfill  my conspiratorial rant, it will prove that we have descended into the third world banana republic we have mocked over the years.

Conservative Tom

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