Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Trump Asks Great Question--Why Is The Press Silent?

Trump to Media: Ask Hillary Why She Didn't "Turn In" Donna Brazile


Trump to Media: Ask Hillary Why She Didn't "Turn In" Donna Brazile
According to emails released by WikiLeaks, interim DNC chair and former CNN contributor Donna Brazile provided the Clinton campaign with the exact wording of a question in advance of a 2016 town hall event hosted by that network. "From time to time I get the questions in advance," was the email subject line written from Brazile and delivered to Clinton campaign chair John Podesta's hacked Gmail account.

Fox News Channel's Megyn Kelly grilled Brazile Wednesday night about the allegations from WikiLeaks. Brazile categorically denied them and accused those asking the question of "persecuting" her. "As a Christian woman, I understand persecution," Brazile told Kelly. "Your information is false... You're like a thief."

At a rally Friday afternoon in Fletcher, North Carolina, Republican nominee Donald Trump said that if the allegations are true, Brazile should resign from her position as interim chairperson of the Democratic National Committee. He also wondered why no one has asked Hillary Clinton about getting the question in advance.

He wondered: "I don't know what I'd do. Would I turn the people in?"

"But I ask you, why didn't Hillary say, 'I can't do this? I cant take these questions," he asked.

"Nobody from the media is asking that question," he said. "Why is it?"

"Hillary got the questions in advance, and the press doesn't even bring it up," he said. "I have to ask the press to find out. Why aren't they asking Hillary why she didn't turn in the people that gave her the answers and those questions?"
DONALD TRUMP: The media is so corrupt that Hillary was given the exact wording of a question from a previous debate! Remember this? Just recently.

Word for word, given the questions. Here are the questions... Nobody gave me the questions.

I don't know what I'd do. Would I turn the people in? Or would I take the questions?

She was given the question-- I think I'd turn them in, I think I'd ask what's going on over here.

I want to know, was she given the questions to my debate. But it doesn't matter because we won...

But she was given the questions to a debate by Donna Brazile, who is now under pressure to resign. She should resign.

But I ask you, why didn't Hillary say, 'I can't do this... I can't take these questions?'

Nobody from the media is asking that question. Why is it? They're putting a lot of pressure on Donna Brazile. She was on television the other night. It was brutal. They're putting a lot of pressure on her, but tell me, she handed the questions to Hillary. She figured out the answers, put whatever she had to do, and then why she didn't she say: 'I'm not allowed to do this'?

Years ago, years ago, there was a show called the $64,000 Question. Does anybody remember? Don't say it? Really? A contestant... got the questions in advance, prior to the show and his life was ruined. But Hillary got the questions in advance, and the press doesn't even bring it up.

Can you imagine if I got the questions in advance and they found out?

Can you, can you imagine if I got the questions and they found out? They would reinvent a much more sinister form of the electric chair, is that right? It would be awful. I have to ask the press to find out. Why aren't they asking Hillary why she didn't turn in the people that gave her the answers and those questions?

The email from Brazile, who worked at CNN at the time, said:

Subject: From time to time I get the questions in advance

On Mar 12, 2016, at 4:39 PM, Donna Brazile wrote: Here's one that worries me about HRC. DEATH PENALTY 19 states and the District of Columbia have banned the death penalty. 31 states, including Ohio, still have the death penalty. According to the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, since 1973, 156 people have been on death row and later set free. Since 1976, 1,414 people have been executed in the U.S. That’s 11% of Americans who were sentenced to die, but later exonerated and freed. Should Ohio and the 30 other states join the current list and abolish the death penalty?

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